I am fed up! This will be a rant so if you can’t handle rants, click off. Clearly, I’m going to talk about “wokeism” and political correctness. But it’s more than that. I can handle someone trying to get me to think the way they do. That is somewhat what I do in this blog. In some ways that is freedom of speech. If it’s not forced on anyone, you can believe or say whatever you want. I got shot at because others don’t agree with that freedom. But lately I have seen a change in this freedom. Some are forcing their beliefs and wishes on others. Now I’m a pretty calm guy. It takes a lot to get me riled up. But try to force me to do anything, especially something I can’t get behind, and you’ll see the nasty me. Compelling others is something Satan likes. I will not comply, in fact, by trying to force me you will probably find a fierce opponent of whatever it is you’re trying to shove down my throat. For instance, pronouns. I’m not out to insult or offend anyone. But if you are part of the LBGTQ lifestyle and you don’t understand that often straight people cannot distinguish between a man or a woman, but certainly not between L, B, or G, then you’re an idiot. Also, many straight people have never been exposed to this lifestyle and it may make them uncomfortable. It’s not because they are haters, it’s because they have never been exposed to it! And if you can’t understand that and can’t tolerate people acting uncomfortable, then you’re on the wrong planet! You want the world to be tolerant of you and often you’re not tolerant of the world! Also, when I’m confronted with someone who is in my face or angry, I don’t tend to play well with others. This is my problem I know. I’m generally pretty good natured but I lock and load when confronted with aggression. If the “woke” world can’t understand this and give it their best try, then I’m not sure I can be the bigger person and tone it down. I know that I must try, but I’ve had enough experience to know that it probably won’t go well. It is an exposure of my frustration. I’m fed up with a minority demanding anything of me. I would not care if they were the majority, get in my face and I can’t guarantee my response. I know I gave an “alphabet people” example above but it can be race or whatever is in vogue this week. Just because I don’t agree with others doesn’t mean we can’t get along. But if you insist on me changing my life to accommodate your life don’t get bent out of shape if I’m not interested in complying. Like I said, I’m not offensive as my default, but I can get pretty abrasive.
I’m also fed up with those who don’t have thick skin. If you can’t handle “name calling” then you must leave the planet. I don’t think name calling is a very good way to communicate and I’ve done my fair share, but these are just words. Remember the child’s rhyme, “Sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me”? This is actually something that was taught to children to help them understand that words are just words. I know that words can hurt. But they do not physically assault! So lay off! Take it like an adult and chalk it up to the childishness of the name caller. Cowboy the heck up! Its way out of hand. I believe in being kind. I believe that if you can’t say anything nice, say nothing at all. But many feel it’s their duty to call others out on everything they deem wrong. What the heck are ”hate crimes”? I believe there are crimes that have to do with hate, but I’m not sure they are different than crime. Most violence is connected to anger and hate. I’m not sure anyone is happy doing violence. If they are, there’s a whole other problem.
As long as I’m ranting I may as well go all the way. What happened to people? Why can we not handle things that are hard? I realize we are all different in the way we think and our physical make up. But this softness has to stop! It goes along with having thick skin. Get off the couch and go hands on. Learn and do. Maybe sweat a little. Hard work is important. Many are concerned about their self esteem but won’t pay the price to strengthen their character. A hard job done well can do more for someone than a year of therapy! In this world of instant this and instant that, try sacrifice. It too builds character. Sacrifice your time, talents, and money. Wait and save. I do realize that with today’s inflation if you wait too long that thing you want to buy can double in price. Use wisdom. We have a government that wants to soften every blow of life. I understand that making it a little easier can be important. But without getting into politics, government’s job is not to make my life easier. Just as public school’s job is not to entertain, babysit, and raise our children. Raise your children on a good work ethic. Help them to learn to work hard and to work smart. Help them to be an asset to this country and not just a drain on its resources. We talk about the “greatest generation”. This generation can be the greatest generation! I’m greatly impressed with my son-in-law. He is a lawyer and has worked very hard to get his education. But he also knows how to work. He can build and fix. His parents taught him to work hard and fast. His work ethic working in an oil field is the same ethic he uses in the court room.
Modern medicine is a miracle. Today’s medical technology and knowledge is the best it has ever been. North America, and other parts of the world, have the best doctors and medical workers ever. But, I object to how it’s all used. I was in the military before the military used insurance. There were hospitals and clinics on every base and post. That has changed. Budget cuts or trying to streamline the military got rid of personnel and facilities. But for the most part, it was socialized medicine. It was horribly abused. Members would see a doctor for every little thing. This is only my opinion so please take this whole post as just that. In fact, take everything on this website as opinion! Medicine and I don’t always agree. I’m not talking about diagnosis, but cure and prevention. The medical world has given into the patients need for results now. So they give a pill for everything. I also feel the pharma industry has too much influence on the medical industry. Those two don’t have a good dynamic. So I have a hard time dealing with doctors. I’m not anti-doctor, but it’s hard to find one I can agree with. Doctors used to talk about prevention and now all they want is to treat the symptoms. The psychology world has become just as bad. Aren’t parents “life coaches”? I have went through some pretty tough things in my life but I never had to take a class to be resilient! Stop needing a class or a program to get through your trials. As LDS members we seem to rely on the “arm of the flesh” or the world before we rely on faith and the Lord. People today, not just youth, are always in the need for a “safe place” or a “time out”. They see everything that forces them to think, or work, or do something out of their comfort zone, as a personal attack on their idea of a “right” they think they have to not be uncomfortable. I’m more into freedom than what others think. Like the character Edgar Friendly in the 80’2 movie “Demolition Man”. He has a little rant that I can understand.
“I'm the enemy. Cause
I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech and freedom of
choice. I'm the kind if guy who wants to sit in a greasy spoon and think,
"Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs
with the side order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol. I want to
eat bacon, butter and buckets of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar
the size of Cincinnati in a non-smoking section. I wanna run through the
streets naked with green Jello all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why?
Because I suddenly might feel the need to. Okay, pal?”
Like Edgar I’m fed up!
Thanks for
listening. Saved me thousands in therapy
Semper Paratus
Check 6