Sunday, August 29, 2021


I often don’t say a lot of specific things about myself. I try to keep it vague. For the last year I, like you, have watched this country go into an interesting spiral. 2020 will be remembered as a crazy year. I think I became somewhat disillusioned. I may be dealing with a little depression or something but for most of 2020 and into 2021 I have not been interested in sharing much in the way of this blog. I’ve ranted some and complained but haven’t really written anything of substance. I’d like to share a few thoughts here and then ease back into my writing routine. I know I don’t usually talk about personal things here but I am getting on in years. Without going into details I would probably be known as a “boomer”. That gives you an idea of my age. I’m not 25 jumping out of planes and getting into firefights anymore. I never served in the middle-east, although I don’t know how I got out of that! I have the National Defense Service medal. That gives you an idea of when I was in the military. It was not Viet Nam, but I saw a lot of Central America. Because of this service I look at things different from those who did not serve. I’m not better, but just different. I was up close and personal to some friends dying for our country. My thoughts on our flag are pretty passionate and I have little tolerance for disrespect even though that is anyone’s right. I took an oath that has never been rescinded and so I feel pretty “all in” concerning the United States of America. My wife was a military wife and has many of the same feelings as she was willing to sacrifice her husband in defense of this country. So with these strong feelings I come from a perspective that is often not looked upon with favor during times like these. During my short time in combat I learned that I can handle a lot. But being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I am striving to be better. I want to be meek and mild as I’m planning several ways of killing people. I’m not a serial killer and I usually can shrug off most things, but there are times when I get into “close and engage” mode. Getting in my face usually doesn’t end well. I want to be good and I want to be law abiding. So with that long explanation I say that liberal thinking and acting does not bode well with me. Having PTSD also doesn’t usually keep me very politically correct. I often say what I think. I don’t like the left leaning, liberal thinking that is going on in this country. I’m more like Edgar Friendly in the 1993 movie “Demolition Man”: Edgar Friendly “… I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think; I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I'm the kind of guy that likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder - "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I WANT high cholesterol. I wanna eat bacon and butter and BUCKETS of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section. I want to run through the streets naked with green jello all over my body reading playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to, okay, pal?” Ok this is extreme, but you get the idea. I’m not saying I can’t accept no, but I have a problem with someone trying to take away my choice, is what I’m saying. I’m concerned about COVID19. Not that I will get the disease, but that it’s being used to control and enslave a nation. I’m not denying that this disease exists, but it’s a pretty fishy deal, don’t you think? This reminds me of a Tom Hanks movie called “Joe Versus the Volcano” Joe (Tom Hanks) is told by a doctor that he has six months to live because of something called a “brain cloud”. This is the line I want to focus on: Joe: So I'm not sick except for this terminal disease? Dr. Ellison: Which has no symptoms. That's right. That’s what we’re being told. You can be sick with this deadly disease but you won’t know it. Then we also have the media and the government playing the fear game. Be very afraid. “Close the schools! Close the businesses! Don’t go anywhere! Stay home!” Then to top it all off they want us to wear masks. No one, the medical field, the science field, or anyone else can agree on masks. They think they may do some good. Then let’s ramrod a vaccine through the usual rigorous process we create vaccines with, and now EVERYONE GET IT! Holy bull crap batman! This is a true joke! They actually want us to buy this! The problem with telling a lie is that you must tell more lies to support the first lie. Somewhere in COVID is a lie. Whether it is the deadliness of the disease, or how communicable it is, or the vaccine, or how many deaths, or how many infected, or several of the above. Now there is a delta variant. And then to top it off, if you do not believe one or more of the aspects of this circus of a disease is true and you try and share your ideas with social media, you get cancelled and banned because you don’t believe everything hook, line, and sinker. In the military that is known as a “cluster” screw. It’s also very unconducive to the American way of freedom. They say “It’s for you own good.” And they say “You have to protect each other.” I even find my church shoving this down my throat. Well, I’m here to say right now, I’ve had enough! I will not comply! My freedoms will not be curtailed by your obvious unintelligent, fear mongering, baloney! You may ask me to mask up, you may ask me to vaccinate, but don’t be surprised if you get an answer that you don’t like to these requests. I’ve worked for the government in one form or another for over 30 years, and I’ve learned you cannot trust them as far as you can throw them. You, or they, can push, but from my past experience, I would not push too hard. That’s my take of this COVID thing. Another thing that is getting under my skin is the gender, LGBTQ activity that is going on in this country. Sexual preference is private. It is something between two adults. That’s how it should remain. I do not agree with lesbianism or homosexuality, but I almost died several times defending people’s right to choose. Don’t shove your sexual preference down my throat! It boggles my mind that there is a flag for a way of life! It’s nonsense! I guess we should have a flag and a parade for those of us who believe in eating only vegetables. When is vegan pride week or the vegan pride parade? I respect people who are good people. Sexual preference is not in the prerequisite. There are jerks of every race, creed, and yes, even sexual preference. People are people. Shoving something in others faces won’t produce anything but animosity. Making special days or events to single out groups usually isolates that group and doesn’t help their cause. And using pronouns? Are you serious? We all do the best we can, but if you’re upset because you look like something other than what you want to be, you should get a life. I’ll call you whatever you want to be called, but if you get your knickers in a bunch because you haven’t made it easy, then you’d better be OK with some making a mistake. I am also disillusioned with what some try to pass off as patriotism in this country. Just because you show respect for our flag or don’t badmouth the USA or don’t “take a knee” doesn’t mean you don’t think there are any problems currently in this country or with its history. I was not alive when slavery was alive in this country. Just as black people now were not prevalent when my ancestors were considered for “extermination” in the state of Missouri. Are all currently living Germans responsible for the mistreatment and death of Jews in the past? No! So don’t try to tell us or make us believe any one race, religion, or any other category you can think of, is in need of special treatment because of the past. It makes no sense! I know that there are some serious racism problems in this country but that doesn’t mean everyone and everything is racist! Stop being stupid with this so we can actually work on the changes that need to happen. Taking down a statue does not do anything. It doesn’t erase the racism in our history nor does it change hearts and minds. It is also my contention that all of us have said or done racist things in our lives. That doesn’t mean we don’t try to change and be better. Problem is, many don’t want to change. As long as there are humans on this earth there will be racism. I don’t understand those that think we can survive without law enforcement. Even the Wild West had law enforcement. They are out of touch with reality if they believe this. Law enforcement is a thankless job that puts them in harm’s way with regularity. Like teachers, law enforcement is under-appreciated. Thank you men and women who work tireless to help those they serve. You should be taken care of and instead of defunding, you all should make more money than you do now. You should be super-funded! One other thing that I’ve talked about before are exmos, and progmos. Ex members and progressive members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The exmos just need to shut up. If you’re not interested and can’t/won’t live Church standards then leave and have a nice life. Leaving the church is not what bothers me, it’s never leaving the church or its members alone that gets me into “lock and load” mode. And then you progressive members are just an interview away from being exmos. You don’t like a lot of things in the church and think you can change it. You can’t! You won’t! This is not a church where we vote in doctrine. But if you think I’m just going to sit back while you try to run my church into the ground then you are gravely mistaken. I will fight you! Not physically, (unless you want to go bro, kidding of course) but in every way I know how. If you are willing to listen to reason and discuss your problems you have with the church then I’d be willing. But if you think you’re going to “save” the church with your progressive ideas then I don’t think you’re going anywhere. Progmos think they have changed things with their protests and their food strikes, when in reality, they’ve had their 15 minutes of fame and that is all. And for those of you who have a cause that goes against church policy or doctrine, then you’d better check yourself and think about what your membership is worth. Are you willing to trade it for your cause? Many have yet they swear their membership means a lot to them. Many years ago I fought next to guys who gave their lives for this country. For you and for me. What have we done to deserve that freedom they died for? Have we strengthened this country and made it a better place to be? Or have we abused that freedom and actually weakened this country? I wish every American would evaluate their lives and ask these questions. I know we won’t always agree on politics but surely we can agree on keeping a strong country. The same goes for members of the church. If we are centered in Christ we can do whatever God would have us do. Instead of contention, we should try to find common ground. As far as Afghanistan is concerned. How can we trust a government who leaves Americans behind? Yet we trust everything we hear from the CDC? Take some advice from someone that same government almost killed twice. Do not trust them! They have showed us time after time that they are not trustworthy! I didn’t mean for this to be a rant so I hope it isn’t. Semper Paratus Check 6 Burn

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