Monday, February 21, 2022

BYU Introspection and Pass the Ammunition!

Well guys, it's been 6 months since Elder Holland gave a momentous talk at the annual BYU Conference August 23, 2021. So how is BYU doing? Many were offended by his talk as is usual for those members and ex-members who fight against the church. But as i review his words I realize that he was kindly and lovingly rebuking some and calling them to repentance. There are many out there who critisize the church and its leaders on a regular basis. It doesn't really matter what is said in confernce talks, or other talks, they will find something to whine about. This talk was no different. He first prefaced his call to repentance with confessing his love for a school that has been a large part of his life. Then he talked about some of the great things and people that BYU has been connected with. He mentioned some who were disillusioned with the Y and how they have fallen away. I don't want to jump up and down on those who leave the church, I have my opinions about their exitus. But I do have an issue with those who want to change BYU and make it like any other school. Elder Holland agrees. He wants to put gospel priciples and the following of Christ at the for front of all learning and teaching at the Y. I wholeheartily agree and applaud his wonderful way of calling some of the practices out. I would have taken the J. Golden Kimball approach and would have told students and faculty alike, you pedal your critical thinking trying to buck the system, and you can leave. BYU is a private university. It is a privledge to attend and study there. I pound that into each of my childrens heads who have gone, and are going, there! Those who would not agree with me I would welcome your opinion. But as far as changing the school to accept prinicples and practices that are against church policy, and especially gospel doctrine, I say, "Load the muskets!" Or in my crude, military lingo, "Lock and load!" Opinion is fine and you can share it all you want, but don't Berkley my BYU! There's no room for that kind of crap being taught in a church school. Students think that their demonstrations are going to change the brethrens minds? Good luck with that! If you want to hand out flyers, bring in speakers, stage demonstrations go ahead, but don't be surprised when an Apostle does not agree with your opinions. Liberal thinking members think if they talk loud enough the Lord will change His church. I beg to differ. But that is just MY opinion. And liberal students can think and say what they please, we have a first amendment, but don't think that those students with oposing views should keep quiet! I get it liberal students, it's cheap to go to the Y. Faculty members can have their own opinions too but they need to be careful. If you are a liberal professor great, but keep your views out of my kids classes. If you teach contray to doctrine, you should be canned! I was in the military. I had very strong political views. But if I show up in uniform at a rally I should be expecting a visit with my CO. If you teach contrary doctrinal ideas I feel that you've crossed from free speech to something else. You represent BYU and there is no room for that type of teaching. I know that it still happens, but you'd better pray one of my kids isn't in your class. Because they have been briefed on what they are to do, and how they are to do it, to get you at the very least reprimanded. I don't mind other views, but when someone is in a position of trust, they should live up to a different standard. Even a standard they may not personally agree with. But as for me and my house, we will defend the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Church by whatever means are necessary. If that scares you I'm sorry that words scare you. So now that I got that rant out of the way, I'll ask again, how is BYU doing? If Elder Holland's talk is any evidence, BYU needs to do a little repenting. As for the musket reference, people need to get a life! It's clear what he was saying. He wasn't being violent. Now had it been me that gave that talk, that would have been a different story! Semper Paratus Check 6 Burn

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