Monday, March 17, 2025

Alternate Fuel For Preparation

 I am a little paranoid when it comes to fuel/power.  I’m not sure why.  Maybe it’s because we’ve had to use alternatives so many times.  Alternate fuel/power is good for:

Cooking (WARNING: always remember if using fire to cook that you have proper ventilation)

Heating (WARNING: always remember if using fire to heat that you have proper ventilation)

Light (WARNING: always remember if using fire for light that you have proper ventilation)

Power for electronics

Cooking and heating are important.  So, we have prepared for this with redundancy.  I would suggest the same for you and your family.


This can be used in a few ways.  It can be used as it was designed, in a barbeque grill.  It can also be used in a campfire.  Grills come in a variety of sizes so even if you live in an apartment, you can use a Hibachi. Charcoal can also be used with a Dutch oven. In some instances, you could heat with it. (See above warnings)


We use coal in our wood stove to burn slow and keep the stove hot longer.  Coal can be used in conjunction with wood. (See above warnings)


Wood is more plentiful than just about any fuel in most areas.  You can use it in wood stoves, campfires, and barbeques. (See above warnings)

Solar generator/panels

A solar system for your home can be a great asset to your home.  Be careful of some solar power companies out there that promise things their systems can not deliver.  Research and learn about solar power and find the system that works for your needs.  I would suggest building your own system, but I realize this isn’t always possible.  But there are some companies out there that will install an inferior system that will be ok, but not really adequate for your needs.  Beware and educate yourself. 

A solar generator is a great way to be prepared for electricity back up.  They can be expensive and heavy, but I think they are well worth the peace of mind.  There are several good brands out there.  Do some research.

Gas Generator

Gas generators are common tools for standby or emergency power.  There are many brands at almost every price point.  Make sure you get one that has the capacity for your needs.  We have two, one for the house (light, fridge, freezer, recharging) and one for our well. 

Generators can be wired or plugged into your house system but ensure you have a “lock out” switch to keep your electricity from being pushed onto the grid.  This is very dangerous to workers trying to restore commercial power.  It could kill someone.

Generators can be run from gasoline, diesel, or a hybrid including natural or propane gas.

Storing power

Storing gasoline or diesel is tricky because of the shelf-life or these two products.  There is also an explosion and fire hazard involved.  Makes sure of the safety considerations and laws for storing fuel. Storing a small amount of kerosene could be considered.  Even rancid or fresh cooking oil can be used for light and a small source of heat.

Storing propane is safe and practical if you have the room.  It should be stored in a well-ventilated area and at least semi-sheltered.  Camping Propane canisters for cook stoves and heaters also store well and can be refilled.

Storing firewood is a common practice.  I would suggest away from your home and not stacked against a building.  Keeping the wood dry is also a consideration.    

Storing matches, wicks, and lighters is also a good idea.

Fire starters come from many manufacturers.  Or you can make your own.  Fire sticks and even primitive fire starting that with practice can be a real asset in an emergency

Alternate fuel can be elaborate or basic.  Both are a good idea in helping to keep you and your family better prepared for what ever may come your way in the future.  Always better to prepare and not need it rather than need it and not be prepared.


Semper Paratus

Check 6






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