Saturday, July 31, 2021

READ THIS! Mask Use A Joke

I've been saying this throughout this plandemic, I mean, pandemic. Masks are useless! In this article from a Swiss website checkout the sources in each of their claims shows. The CDC did their own stidy that came to the same conclusion about masks. That they do not work. Especially the cloth masks that most people wear. At the biginning of this pandemic in March of 2020 I was curious about masks. I decided to research to find out how effective masks were. I actually thought that they were probably about 40 to 50% effective. That would have worked with me. I would have been satisfied and would have followed along with everyone else. But what I found were articles written to follow the narrative, face masks work. As I looked through the articles I thought that maybe I was wrong when I resisted mask wearing. It amazed me that pro-mask articles that quoted studies and gave the sources of these studies. I went to the studies and was amazed that the studies were saying the opposite of what the article was saying! I guess the authors of these articles didn't actually read the studies or they did not care about what the studies were actually saying. As we got closer to 2021 things started to calm down and I searched again for mask wearing evidence. I found a few articles that quoted studies that were more recent. The studies supported wearing masks. But as I looked further I found many people, doctors and researchers, that had a problem with some of these studies and claimed they did many things wrong to come to the conclusion that masks work. This articles is from a Swiss group who research and expose propoganda throughout the world and in several languages. This article gives all the sources that show mask wearing is a complete falacy. Unless it is a resporator (N95) other masks do nothing to protect the wearer, or others. Semper Paratus Check 6 Burn