Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Developing a Tactical Mindset

 The other day I took my wife out to a restaurant for her birthday.  As we were shown to the booth, I noticed my wife making a point of sitting with her back to the restaurant entrance.  After being married to me as long as she has been, she now understands that I want to be facing the entrance of almost every room I spend a lot of time in.  Because of my tactical mindset, she has a tactical mindset.  I used to have to fight my family for the “gunfighter seat.”  They eventually understood that it might be a good idea for the person that is armed to face the entrance.

What is a tactical mindset?

You do not have to have a job where you carry a gun to have a tactical mindset.  But you do need to have some tactical training so that you can implement it in your life.  Tactics in law enforcement are spotty, sometimes barely existent.  Military is usually better but depending on your MOS (military occupational specialty), can also be spotty.  I was affiliated with military police, and special operations, so I was privileged to receive a lot of tactical training.  As a civilian there are schools and courses you can take that will give you something tactical to draw from.  I would recommend Gunsite’s Tactical Concealed Carry Pistol course.  There are others but that one is pretty good.

 Having a tactical mindset is putting training to use each and every day and thinking about all possible outcomes.

Play the “what if game.” This simply means to be constantly thinking “what if.” For example, what if we pulled up at the gas station and there was an armed robbery in progress?  Could you tell?  What would be the signs?  Continue driving and call the police would be the correct response. That is an extreme example, but asking yourself all of those questions will help prepare for when you do come across a robbery. These are decisions that you have already made. You are exercising your mind just like you are hopefully exercising the rest of your body.

 When evaluating your decisions, in life or even the “what if game,” there are two important questions that must be asked — “What do I gain?” and “What do I lose?” By simply asking those two questions, it is easy to see what decision is tactically sound. Start looking at every decision this way for about a week and see what happens. You will realize that where you park in the grocery store parking lot, where you stand when picking up your lunch, where you sit in a restaurant, even where you sit at the kitchen table at home all have tactical advantages and disadvantages.


I have a friend who is a police officer and as a young cop, one of the favorite ways they would pass the quiet hours during a shift was playing “what if?” — keeping themselves alert and their brains thinking. The game involves asking your opponent what they’d do in different scenarios and why. Then a back and forth would take place, debating positives, while pointing out any negatives, for a tactically sound and safe approach to the particular problem.

Short of doing live scenarios, this is an excellent way to prepare yourself or get yourself ready for any possible situation. It made the hours pass quickly in a productive way for them by prepping for any situation they could be possibly faced with. This is one of the best ways young cops learn how to do the job.

“What if…?” is a game I continually play to this day. With my imagination, I’ve got several responses for scenario’s ranging from carjacking to home invasion robbery to natural disasters.

Be prepared for the worst, while enjoying the comforts and joys of life. It’s all any of us can do, right?

It’s also a great way for anyone to develop proper mindset. Suppose you’re going out to dinner with your spouse and as you pull into the parking garage you’re approached by an unsavory scumbag. What’s your response? What’s your spouse’s response? Have you talked about how you’re going to respond as a couple? Play the “what if” game now, before it happens.

How about the midnight caller? You and your spouse are cuddling on the couch and the doorbell rings at 11:30 at night. Do you simply answer the door? Do you grab the hall closet gun and answer the door. What if it’s a neighbor who heard a suspicious noise at her home? What would you do?

Depending on your home situation depends on how you can have different guns stashed throughout your home, vehicle or workshop. Unless you’re constantly carrying your EDC at home — and there’s nothing wrong at all with that, in fact, I encourage it — having something stashed makes perfect sense. You never know when it might come in handy, and when it is handy, it’s usually not under good circumstances.

Do you have a gun handy by the front door, maybe a coat-closet cannon? Shotguns come in real handy for discouraging unwanted guests. How about your favorite easy chair? If some misplaced miscreant came charging through your front door taking you by complete surprise, would you be able to defend your family?

You’ve just finished dinner after a stressful day at work and are ready to relax in your workshop. While puttering around the workshop, you notice a suspicious vehicle drives down your lane. What do you do? Suppose you turn around and a complete stranger is standing behind you? It happens. Maybe some simple bells on your door to alert you of someone entering your shop is all it would take to give you the drop on any unwanted drop-in?

All I’m doing is getting you to think about possible scenarios and possibly start acting on some of these easy fixes. The last thing you want to do is not have a response played out in your mind, giving you the proverbial “deer in the headlights” look. No response is worse than a bad one. A well-rehearsed response is even better.

Whether its home invasion, house fire, hurricane, tornado, talk about a proper response. Having some kind of plan is better than no plan at all. Acting on the plan is even better.

Don’t stick your head in the sand and say it’ll never happen to me.  That’s called the normalcy bias. Are you willing to jeopardize your life, or a family members life with good intentions and well wishes?

Now the fun part, what tools are necessary for these scenarios? Sure, picking the right gun is mighty fun. But as I mentioned, a simple string of bells, a dog, a home security camera/intercom system, security lighting, strategically placed thornbushes and other related items used to discourage trespassers or give you a heads-up to their encroachments are critical too.

As to guns, there are a whole slew of options out there, including used guns. Be it shotgun, rifle or handgun, think of where and what you would need it for.

Self-defense, survival or just being informed is not a one article read. It’s a developing mindset, continually growing in tactical options you can use. Just as the criminals are constantly developing new techniques to make an easy score, you must be up to date and continually think and be aware of what your options are. Be vigilant in your pursuits to keep your family and yourself safe. Play the “What If…?” game. It just might save your life one day.

Monday, January 27, 2025

We Have To Be Better Than Them (Repost from Oct 10, 2018)

Some may say that reposting a previous post is lazy.  They're probably right.  Lazy may it be, I feel strongly about some things, and I repost because I said it once, and want to repeat it.  I try to not do this too often. 

When it comes to defense the lyric to a song by the band Dire Straits may apply.

These mist covered mountains
Are a home now for me
But my home is the lowlands
And always will be
Someday you'll return to
Your valleys and your farms
And you'll no longer burn to be
Brothers in arms


Through these fields of destruction
Baptisms of fire
I've witnessed your suffering
As the battle raged higher
And though they did hurt me so bad
In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me
My brothers in arms


There's so many different worlds
So many different suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones


Now the sun's gone to hell and
The moon's riding high
Let me bid you farewell
Every man has to die
But it's written in the starlight
And every line in your palm
We are fools to make war
On our brothers in arms

Mark Knopfler really hit the nail on the head.  This song says to me that battle creates bonds that are not broken.  I served with guys I haven’t seen in some time, yet I know if I needed their help they would move heaven and earth to be there for me.  And the same goes for me, for them.  There is a bond that is struck with sharing a life and death situation that is hard to break.  In combat you must depend on the guy next to you to save you or defend you. 

In sharing this bond with these guys, I have come to become a little cold to death and killing.  I think as a human thrust into a situation where you must kill or be killed, you have to be calloused to survive the unthinkable of killing another human being.  I know those who are still in therapy for something that happened over 30 years ago.  It affects you and so it is something to be avoided. 

So, how do you defend yourself and your family, and remain a good, and decent human being?  I’ve learned to do this through scripture. Alma 44:2, 5

2 Behold, we have not come out to battle against you that we might shed your blood for power; neither do we desire to bring any one to the yoke of bondage. But this is the very cause for which ye have come against us; yea, and ye are angry with us because of our religion.

5 And now, Zerahemnah, I command you, in the name of that all-powerful God, who has strengthened our arms that we have gained power over you, by our faith, by our religion, and by our rites of worship, and by our church, and by the sacred support which we owe to our wives and our children, by that liberty which binds us to our lands and our country; yea, and also by the maintenance of the sacred word of God, to which we owe all our happiness; and by all that is most dear unto us—

Alma 46:12, 13, 20

12 And it came to pass that he rent his coat; and he took a piece thereof, and wrote upon it—In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children—and he fastened it upon the end of a pole.

13 And he fastened on his head-plate, and his breastplate, and his shields, and girded on his armor about his loins; and he took the pole, which had on the end thereof his rent coat, (and he called it the title of liberty) and he bowed himself to the earth, and he prayed mightily unto his God for the blessings of liberty to rest upon his brethren, so long as there should a band of Christians remain to possess the land—

20 Behold, whosoever will maintain this title upon the land, let them come forth in the strength of the Lord, and enter into a covenant that they will maintain their rights, and their religion, that the Lord God may bless them.

This is how we justify carrying a weapon.  This is how I have answered those who say I am not Christian if I am willing to do violence.  This is the kind of man I strive to be.   As was Moroni.

Some would say “But you are not fighting for liberty.  You are not at war.”  I would beg to differ.  Crime and terrorism deprives us of our liberty and our God given rights.  When we defend ourselves against crime and terrorism we are defending our liberty.

In Psalm 82:4 it says that we are to “Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.”  In Nehemiah 4:14 we are told to “…fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.” These passages show us that we are required by biblical principles to defend innocent life, be it our families or merely the “weak and needy”.


I Timothy 5:8 states that “…if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel” What greater provision is there than the provision for the defense and safety of our loved ones?


Not only is an armed response to life threatening evil condoned in scripture, but skill at arms is presented in a positive light. We are expected to have the tools and to acquire the skills needed to fulfill our obligation in protecting innocents from the evil that is loose in the world. This is clearly demonstrated in Psalm 144:1 “Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight” and again in Psalm 18:34 “He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.”.


Luke 11:21-22 tells us that “When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace: But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armor wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.” This passage of scripture not only allows specifically for armed defense, but serves as a model for the Castle Doctrine or perhaps the “Palace doctrine?”


I want to be clear at this point that I only advocate the use of deadly force for the preservation of innocent life. I stress this strongly when I have taught classes.  I have never had a car that was worth a human life, and I don’t think there is enough money to kill over. I know for a fact that the finest of worldly possessions does not have the value of the basest of human lives. I would not use deadly force in defense of property, but I would not hesitate to use it to save the lives of my children or anybody else’s children from a person of evil intent. Make no mistake, those people are out there these days, in droves.

I write this article to help those of you who have served in a combat role, served in law enforcement, or have had to defend yourself and others in a civilian role.  But also for all of the above who train.  When you get right down to it, we are training to kill or at least to do violence.  Hopefully, we train to be able to make wise decisions when to not shoot, and how to avoid.   Our lives should be dedicated to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation.  This is what I call the concealed carry ADD.  Being aware of where you are and what’s going on can give you a good heads up to avoid.  If you are successful at avoidance then your need to judge when to draw, or when to shoot will be eliminated.  In your training make sure you get some good ADD training.

If we are to truly protect our families and ourselves, we will learn controlled violence.  Without it I’m not sure what will stop a determined terrorist or criminal.  Control is the key.  We have to be better than they are to protect.  We have to be better than them.

Semper Paratus

Check 6


Friday, January 24, 2025

Tactical Knives EDC Essentials


Tactical knives have lots of uses.  The uses of the knife I carry as a civilian is different from the uses I had while in the military.  I carried two knives in the military, a tactical folder and a fixed blade fighting knife.  I pulled the fighting knife in defense only once, but I used the folder a million times in many uses.  As a civilian my needs are completely different.  I don’t ever plan to use a knife in defense, although I’ve had training to use it that way.  It would be an absolute last resort for me.  So when I look at a knife, I look at it two fold, utility and defense.  Unless it’s a neck knife, I would only carry a tactical folder.  On my bug out bag and tac vest are fixed blade fighting knives.  Often, my multi-tool knife blade is the only knife I have with me.  But I have several tactical folders.

One of the first thing I will look at is the manufacturer.  I know you often pay for a name, but there is a reason for that.  Most brands I can trust because they have a reputation.  Once in a while a brand name will put out a cheap model.  I’ve seen it in Schrade and Buck.  These brands are usually very good but you have to inspect a less pricy blade to make sure.  Usually you get what you pay for unfortunately. 

You should look for balance, blades that don’t wobble, positive locking systems and ease of deployment.


The steel used in knife making is the soul of the blade. Every aspect of knife making is a compromise. A blade that holds an edge well could be the one that is harder to sharpen or so inflexible that it could snap when given lateral stress. A blade that has the best edge could also be the one that oxidizes or stains easily.

Creating a knife blade is part science, part art. Knife makers can control the characteristics of a blade by the type of steel, the way it is formed, the shape of the blade and the way it is tempered. Knife makers are constantly on a quest for better steel and modern tool-steels are getting better.

It is impossible to rate knife steels from best to worst. It is also impossible to guess the tempering of the tool just by looking at it. It is possible, however, to make a few recommendations for knives based on a majority of cutting tasks. Steel performance takes into account strength, the blade’s ability to resist lateral stress, toughness, the blade’s ability to resist chipping, resistance to abrasion, and hardness. There are other factors, but knowing these major qualities is probably enough information to help select a knife. There are several common steels used for tactical knives, which include 440C, ATS 34 (154 CM), D2, and AUS 8. There are dozens of other types of steel, but this is a good start.

Locking Blade

A locking blade should be mandatory for folding knives. There are several different methods for keeping a blade locked open, including locks in the liner (the material that surrounds the blade when closed), and locks in the spine.

Should you get an automatic knife? Inherently, they are not as strong or reliable as a locking folder, but having said that, some automatics are like cousins of reliable locking mechanisms.  Make sure an assisted open knife is legal in your area or state.


Handle materials can be wood, plastic, aluminum or “micarta.” Micarta tends to be resistant to most elements and harder than other materials. Wood looks great but is harder to pin or epoxy in place. Aluminum tends to make the user sensitive to temperature extremes. Space Age materials similar to polymers are excellent for keeping the knife durable, low priced and lightweight. The handle’s materials, or scales, should be textured to improve the grip and hold it in the pocket until needed.

Knife makers began using Torx screws to secure the pocket clip, often offering the “tip up” or “tip down” option.  


The liner material is just as important as the handle. If the knife does not have a liner made of durable materials such as aluminum or steel, it is likely the hinge pin will loosen easily and the handle will fail under extreme use. Select a knife with a liner material that, put together, approximates the width of the blade; that is, the aluminum or steel that surrounds the blade when the knife is closed should be as thick as the blade itself. This will ensure the blade open smoothly, even when after you have been rolling on the ground a bit.

If there is no liner, the knife may have been assembled using steel pins in a plastic frame, or no pins in a molded frame. This is desirable in a lightweight knife, but not recommended.


Tactical knives usually come in geometric, wedge-shaped reinforced designs, or drop-point utility designs. While the geometric designs are cool, the drop point ones will offer more consistent cutting surfaces. Double-edged blades also are eye candy, but not quite as useful.

Some blade makers have blade designs which open the blade upon their withdrawal from the pocket.  

Is it advisable to purchase a custom knife? A custom knife is a purchase made for pride in ownership.  If you can afford to purchase one, you will enjoy some of the intangible qualities of a good knife, like polished interiors (which make mechanisms buttery smooth), hand-selected materials, and custom tempering.

A moderately priced knife from a reputable manufacturer will give you years of use, with reliability and peace of mind.

Knives are important parts of EDC that are often taken for granted until they are needed.  I’ve always been picky about my knives, and I swear I’m not a knife guy.  But I have a large collection anyway.  I enjoy knives as works of art and in the same way I enjoy a good-looking gun.  But they will never replace my infatuation with firearms.

Semper Paratus

Check 6


Thursday, January 23, 2025

LDS Gunsite Index 2024

LDS Gunsite Index 2024

Mar (2)

922. Tactical Thinking. Making it a Mindset 3/30/2024

923. Cleaning and Maintaining Your EDC 3/30/2024

May (2)

924. Building Your Bug Out Bag: Intro 5/6/2024

925. Saving Money at the Range 5/27/2024

Jun (1)

926. Building Your Bug-Out-Bag (Part 1-Intro) 6/7/2024

Jul (1)

927. Building Your Bug-Out-Bag (Part 2-Air) 7/4/2024

Aug (1)

928. Building Your Bug-Out-Bag (Part 3-Shelter) 8/24/2024

Sep (1)

929. Moroni Security 9/27/2024


Oct (3)

930. Concentric Circles of Security 10/29/2024

931.  Being Prepared For Violence 10/31/2024

932. Firestarting: A Lost Art 10/31/2024

Nov (7) 

933. CQB is cool, but what does it have to do with me? 11/12/2024

934. Don't Wish Me "Happy Veteran's Day" 11/12/2024

935. Are U.S. Schools Finally Getting The Security Message? 11/12/2024

936. Finding Your Best Training 11/13/2024 

937. Revisiting The Church's Policy and The Constitution 11/14/2024

938. Priority Training (Reprint article) 11/25/2024

939. Embrace the Suck and Suck Less! (Reprint) 11/25/2024

Dec (1)

940. We've Been Given a Reprieve 12/10/2024

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Time For A Rant. I'm Fed Up!

I am fed up!  This will be a rant so if you can’t handle rants, click off.  Clearly, I’m going to talk about “wokeism” and political correctness.  But it’s more than that.  I can handle someone trying to get me to think the way they do.  That is somewhat what I do in this blog.  In some ways that is freedom of speech.  If it’s not forced on anyone, you can believe or say whatever you want.  I got shot at because others don’t agree with that freedom.  But lately I have seen a change in this freedom.  Some are forcing their beliefs and wishes on others.  Now I’m a pretty calm guy.  It takes a lot to get me riled up.  But try to force me to do anything, especially something I can’t get behind, and you’ll see the nasty me.  Compelling others is something Satan likes.  I will not comply, in fact, by trying to force me you will probably find a fierce opponent of whatever it is you’re trying to shove down my throat.  For instance, pronouns.  I’m not out to insult or offend anyone.  But if you are part of the LBGTQ lifestyle and you don’t understand that often straight people cannot distinguish between a man or a woman, but certainly not between L, B, or G, then you’re an idiot.  Also, many straight people have never been exposed to this lifestyle, and it may make them uncomfortable.  It’s not because they are haters, it’s because they have never been exposed to it!  And if you can’t understand that and can’t tolerate people acting uncomfortable, then you’re on the wrong planet!  You want the world to be tolerant of you and often you’re not tolerant of the world!  Also, when I’m confronted with someone who is in my face or angry, I don’t tend to play well with others.  This is my problem I know.  I’m generally pretty good natured but I lock and load when confronted with aggression.  If the “woke” world can’t understand this and give it their best try, then I’m not sure I can be the bigger person and tone it down.  I know that I must try, but I’ve had enough experience to know that it probably won’t go well.  It is an exposure of my frustration.  I’m fed up with a minority demanding anything of me.  I would not care if they were the majority, get in my face and I can’t guarantee my response.   I know I gave an “alphabet people” example above but it can be race or whatever is in vogue this week.   Just because I don’t agree with others doesn’t mean we can’t get along.  But if you insist on me changing my life to accommodate your life don’t get bent out of shape if I’m not interested in complying.  Like I said, I’m not offensive as my default, but I can get pretty abrasive.

I’m also fed up with those who don’t have thick skin.  If you can’t handle “name calling” then you must leave the planet.  I don’t think name calling is a very good way to communicate, and I’ve done my fair share, but these are just words.  Remember the child’s rhyme, “Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”?  This is actually something that was taught to children to help them understand that words are just words.  I know that words can hurt.  But they do not physically assault!  So lay off!  Take it like an adult and chalk it up to the childishness of the name caller.  Cowboy the heck up!  Its way out of hand.  I believe in being kind.  I believe that if you can’t say anything nice, say nothing at all.  But many feel it’s their duty to call others out on everything they deem wrong.  What the heck are ”hate crimes”?  I believe there are crimes that have to do with hate, but I’m not sure they are different than crime.  Most violence is connected to anger and hate.  I’m not sure anyone is happy doing violence.  If they are, there’s a whole other problem.

As long as I’m ranting, I may as well go all the way.  What happened to people?  Why can we not handle things that are hard?  I realize we are all different in the way we think and our physical make up. But this softness has to stop!  It goes along with having thick skin.  Get off the couch and go hands on.  Learn and do.  Maybe sweat a little.  Hard work is important.  Many are concerned about their self-esteem but won’t pay the price to strengthen their character.  A hard job done well can do more for someone than a year of therapy!  In this world of instant this and instant that, try sacrifice.  It too builds character.  Sacrifice your time, talents, and money.  Wait and save.  I do realize that with today’s inflation if you wait too long that thing you want to buy can double in price. Use wisdom.  We have a government that wants to soften every blow of life.  I understand that making it a little easier can be important.  But without getting into politics, government’s job is not to make my life easier.  Just as public school’s job is not to entertain, babysit, and raise our children.  Raise your children on a good work ethic.  Help them to learn to work hard and to work smart.  Help them to be an asset to this country and not just a drain on its resources.  We talk about the “greatest generation”.  This generation can be the greatest generation!  I’m greatly impressed with my son-in-law.  He is a lawyer and has worked very hard to get his education.  But he also knows how to work.  He can build and fix.  His parents taught him to work hard and fast.  His work ethic working in an oil field is the same ethic he uses in the court room.

Modern medicine is a miracle.  Today’s medical technology and knowledge is the best it has ever been.  North America, and other parts of the world, have the best doctors and medical workers ever.  But I object to how it’s all used.  I was in the military before the military used insurance.  There were hospitals and clinics on every base and post.  That has changed.  Budget cuts or trying to streamline the military got rid of personnel and facilities.  But for the most part, it was socialized medicine.  It was horribly abused.  Members would see a doctor for every little thing.  This is only my opinion so please take this whole post as just that.  In fact, take everything on this website as opinion!  Medicine and I don’t always agree.  I’m not talking about diagnosis, but cure and prevention.  The medical world has given into the patient's need for results now.  So, they give a pill for everything.  I also feel the pharma industry has too much influence on the medical industry.  Those two don’t have a good dynamic.  So, I have a hard time dealing with doctors.  I’m not anti-doctor, but it’s hard to find one I can agree with.  Doctors used to talk about prevention and now all they want is to treat the symptoms.  The psychology world has become just as bad.  Aren’t parents “life coaches”?  I have gone through some pretty tough things in my life, but I never had to take a class to be resilient!  Stop needing a class or a program to get through your trials.  As LDS members we seem to rely on the “arm of the flesh” or the world before we rely on faith and the Lord.  People today, not just youth, are always in the need for a “safe place” or a “time out”.  They see everything that forces them to think, or work, or do something out of their comfort zone, as a personal attack on their idea of a “right” they think they have to not be uncomfortable.  I’m more into freedom than what others think.  Like the character Edgar Friendly in the 80’s movie “Demolition Man”.  He has a little rant that I can understand.     

“I'm the enemy. Cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I'm the kind if guy who wants to sit in a greasy spoon and think, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol. I want to eat bacon, butter and buckets of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in a non-smoking section. I wanna run through the streets naked with green Jello all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to. Okay, pal?”

Like Edgar I’m fed up!

Thanks for listening.  Saved me thousands in therapy fees!

Semper Paratus

Check 6


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Less Violent

 I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  As a follower of Christ I have been confronted with my own self.  Because of my past, I am somewhat acquainted with violence.  That is not to say that I am violent, but I’m well acquainted with it.  This means that I don’t shy away from violence.  I don’t relish it, but I’m not afraid to use it as a tool to fight evil.  Evil can and will be defeated by good.  But unfortunately, when evil is at your door with violence you must use violence to defeat it.  If three dirt bags break down my living room door with the intent to plunder and hurt, I will react with hard and fast violence to quell that evil.  I’d like to talk my way out of a situation if I can, but in that scenario, talking and reason will not work.  The military exists to defend this nation against enemies foreign and domestic.  That defense consists of violence.  I was trained to defend that way.  In training others to use a firearm I have long advocated the ADD method before violence.  Avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation. Life is just easier without getting into a firefight.  I’ve backed down from more than one situation that could have escalated into a real brouhaha. I’m not too concerned how I look.  If I’m perceived as a wimp then so be it. I’m secure enough in my life where image is not very important.  If you are not, you should work on that.  There is a quote from the original Star Trek series: “Spock, I’ve found that evil usually triumphs unless good is very, very careful.” (Dr. Leonard McCoy in “The Omega Glory,” Episode 23, Season 2, Star Trek) The point is, the old saying “Violence begats violence” is actually true.  Violence does not have to be the answer.  But as Chris Kyle was fond of saying, “Despite what your Momma told you, violence does solve problems.”  And when it is the answer, it needs to be precise and swift.  This is why we practice.  The more we practice, the more precise and swift we can be.  I’ve met several guys that are under the delusion that they need no practice.  They think when called upon to administer violence they can do it.  But it is not normal or comfortable for a human being to do things to another that may injure or be fatal to them.  Hesitation can kill you.  Practice mitigates hesitation as it gives some experience in shooting and not shooting.  There’s a big difference between hesitation and not shooting.  Not shooting is a choice, hesitation is a reaction.

I had a friend several years ago.  He was a Pararescueman in the Air Force and went on many missions.  It got to a point where he was forced to take leave by an Air Force phycologist.  He volunteered to go on many dangerous missions that almost always included a body count.  Finally, he was forcibly transferred to another team.  His present team did not trust him.  They claimed he gave up their position and presence when it was not necessary just to get another “kill”.  He was approached by several brothers about this problem.  He was also told that he was going to be facing a court martial and dishonorable discharge if he did not take care of his problem.  To his credit, he did take care of himself and quit the teams to finish his enlistment and honorably separate from the military.  He is one of the best instructors I ever took training from and he taught for several years as a civilian until he retired.  His story is a successful one, but there are others that don’t end well.  Killing can be addictive.  Violence is also addictive.  To combat this addictive attitude, being aware of, and in control of emotion and the intent of your mission is essential.  If the mission is to take out enemy combatants, such as search and destroy missions, then violence and killing may be in order.  No war being declared also blurs those lines as a military member.  In civilian life, violence, especially killing, is less common and less administered.  But when violence of action is required, fatal violence is on the table to stop the threat.  In many cases, when the presence of a gun is discovered, the threat usually withdraws.

Being a warrior but not being war-like is different than just being violent.  I’d like to stay a warrior so I feel I need to work on myself.   

Dr. Edward Tick has also worked with thousands of veterans and wrote a similarly valuable book about war and coming home titled War and the Soul.” He says that a veteran of war does not become a “true warrior” merely for having been in combat. Instead, he says that a veteran does not become a warrior until they:

  • Learn to carry their war skills in mature ways;
  • Exercise restraint;
  • Set right their life again;
  • Discipline the violence within themselves;
  • Prioritize protecting life over destroying it;
  • Serve their nation in peace as well as in war making;
  • Use force only when they have absolutely no other choice;
  • Use their influence to dissuade their people from suffering the scourges of war unless absolutely necessary; and
  • Use the fearlessness they have developed to help keep sanity, generosity, and order.

“The ideal warrior is,” Tick writes, “assertive, active, and energized. He or she is clear-minded, strategic, and alert. A warrior uses both body and mind in harmony and cooperation. A warrior is disciplined. A warrior assesses both his own resources and skills and those arrayed against him. A warrior is a servant of civilization and its future, guiding, protecting, and passing on information and wisdom. A warrior is devoted to causes he judges to be more important and greater than himself or any personal relationships or gain. Having confronted death, a warrior knows how precious and fragile life is and does not abuse or profane it.”

I agree with Dr. Tick.  Until we become a well rounded human being we will never be a true warrior.  In the process we curb our violent tendencies and control ourselves.

Dave Grossman, author of “On Killing” and physiologist wrote:

“Bruno Bettelheim, a survivor of the Nazi death camps, argues that the root of our failure to deal with violence lies in our refusal to face up to it. We deny our fascination with the “dark beauty of violence,” and we condemn aggression and repress it rather than look at it squarely and try to understand and control it.”
I believe violence is a necessary evil.  The problem is that our culture and society doesn’t understand the need for violence under any circumstances.  We accept that others can toy with violence.  Such as military and law enforcement.  The quote often attributed to George Orwell applies here:

“We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.

This statement sums up the general publics attitude toward violence.  Dave Grossman also sums up the general populations attitude toward warriors.

“The sheep generally do not like the sheepdog. He looks a lot like the wolf. He has fangs and the capacity for violence. The difference, though, is that the sheepdog must not, cannot and will not ever harm the sheep. Any sheep dog who intentionally harms the lowliest little lamb will be punished and removed. The world cannot work any other way, at least not in a representative democracy or a republic such as ours.

Still, the sheepdog disturbs the sheep. He is a constant reminder that there are wolves in the land. They would prefer that he didn’t tell them where to go, or give them traffic tickets, or stand at the ready in our airports in camouflage fatigues holding an M-16. The sheep would much rather have the sheepdog cash in his fangs, spray paint himself white, and go, “Baa.”  Until the wolf shows up. Then the entire flock tries desperately to hide behind one lonely sheepdog.

Most of the general public will never know the struggle that warriors have with violence.  Trying to be less violent is the constant problem we have in trying to be good and civilized.  Remember that when you see a tired looking law enforcement officer or military member.

Semper Paratus

Check 6



Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Traits of an Operator

 I am not an operator.  I know that sometimes I may talk like I am, but that is residual of training with them.  My original job in the military was a dangerous one.  I had no idea what the job was, but it sounded “cool”.  I don’t consider myself a wimp, but when I joined the military, I was married and had a child.  I was very aware that I needed to be here for my family.  I wanted a different job and as early as I was in my military career it was possible to change.  The jobs were limited, and I opted for a less dangerous one.  I thought about it for some time because once I found out what my original job entailed, I kinda wanted to do it.  I would have been gone a lot for training and deployment.  I wanted a big family and my priority was family.  God, family, country.  But in the process of my original job, I had to qualify physically and mentally for the training that accompanied that job.  There was also an extensive background and security clearance that I flew through.  Being a good Mormon boy I did not have some of the entanglements that others may have.  I was a perfect candidate.  Then I changed horses in the middle of the stream.  But as I was qualified (over-qualified I was told) for the training the military in its infinite wisdom thought they would train me anyway.  Use me as much as possible.  Much of the training crossed over into my new, less dangerous, job.  But that meant if I didn’t do well in some of the intense training, I would still have a job.  So, the pressure was off, and I could actually enjoy some of this crazy training.  I volunteered for training as it came up and thoroughly enjoyed what the military offered.  Some of the guys I was training with were under some extreme stress to do well.  Their jobs as operators depended on doing well and not washing out.  I was talking with a friend that I trained with SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape school) and jump school (parachute training) and we talked about the traits that operators must have to be successful SO (special operations) troops.  We came up with a list.  These are traits you may have, or you could cultivate to become better in the world of defense.

Extreme Competitiveness

Operators hate to lose. At anything. In any circumstance. Ever. For some reason, all of them see almost every event in life as a competition, or something to be defeated. They approach BUD/S (Navy Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training) the same way they approach tackling the Saturday morning garage clean-out, or the friendly jog with a buddy. They might start the training/clean-up/jog thinking they will just coast through it, and do enough to get the job done, but inevitably—pretty much every time—they end at a full sprint, giving it their all, trying to be honor man, and scraping the paint off the walls because they cleaned so hard. They only know one speed: full throttle. If you are going do it, do it better than everyone else. There is no such thing as a friendly race.


While operators might always seem supremely self-confident, often to the point of arrogance, they are hyper self-critical, and always thinking of ways they could and should be better. That applies to all their endeavors. They always want to be better operators, and ridicule themselves for not being as good with a particular weapon as our buddy, or as fast a swimmer, or as strong a runner. They also, though, often find themselves lacking in normal life, too. They know they could be better fathers, better husbands, better siblings, and just better people. They are never satisfied with their performance, and they are always trying to improve. Unfortunately, this usually admirable quality can also manifest itself as criticism of others, as they often wonder why those around them are not as motivated as they are to improve. Once again, what makes them better operators can oftentimes bite them in the butt in normal society.

Stress resistant

The typical individual who succeeds in BUDS/S, Army Ranger school, or the Q-Course, (Army Special Forces Qualification Course) has a high resistance to stress. In fact, a man who can make it through such a trial has an almost inhuman ability to absorb a stressful situation and carry on through it, while suppressing whatever other emotions might be trying to bubble up during the stressful conditions. This can manifest itself in an often-limited emotional range in everyday social interactions, but in combat conditions, it is ideal. They enter a mental autopilot and shut out emotions that might keep them from continuing.


Operators hate asking for help. They believe they should be able to do anything that any other man can do, given time to figure out a task. Change out a toilet? No problem. Rewire the house? Sounds tricky, but he will give it a shot. Run an Iron Man triathlon? Okay, just let him stretch first. Build a thermonuclear device? He’s sure he can find a blueprint for that online. Operators are obstinate to a fault when it comes to independence.  They do not always like being told they are not doing something right, unless it is by someone, they know to be an expert. In other words, it is not OK for our wives to tell us we might not be qualified to rewire the house; but if a nuclear scientist has some input on the construction of our nuclear device, then they are willing to entertain their suggestions on a case-by-case basis.

Being Stoic

Finally, Seals learn in SEAL training to “suffer in silence.” It is a trait they try to carry with them throughout their lives. Operators just learn to deal with crap situations, and they revel in them over time, often to the point of finding humor in horrible circumstances. This gallows humor allows them to deal with seemingly insurmountable challenges, or to at least laugh at themselves when confronted with crap odds. It is their way of getting through situations that many would never want to face. They take pride in facing insurmountable odds and try to steel themselves through their stoicism. After all, if they cannot overcome a stressful situation, or handle it as well as their buddy, then he is a better operator than they are, and that is unacceptable, and they need to do a better job…the cycle goes on.

As we were discussing these “traits”, we came across some of our own strengths and weaknesses.  As you self-evaluate you will be able to relate to some, or all, of these points.  In our discussion we concluded that these powers don’t have to be bad but can be used for good instead of evil.  In other words, these traits, it developed right, can be positive.  They can make you a better warrior and defender. 

Semper Paratus

Check 6


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Stop Runnin' Around With No Spare!

 One of my favorite Jimmy Buffet albums came out in January 1977, 48 years ago.  It is called

“Changes in Latitudes Changes in Attitudes”.  There’s a song on there called “Wonder Why We Never Go Home”  Second verse is as follows:

People are movin' so quickly
Humor's in need of repair
Same occupations and same obligations
They've really got nothing to share
Like drivin' around with no spare

I love Jimmy’s subtle humor.  “Drivin’ around with no spare” is a good example of that.  Why would you want to be in a situation without any type of back up? 

I was in a combat situation that would have been a disaster if I was in a patrol situation.  I ran out of ammo.  It was frustrating and scary and without those around me, the cover I was behind, and the fact that I could duck into a hardened shelter and grab more ammo, I would have been in trouble.  After that experience, I was never without about 20, 30 round magazines besides what I had on me.  I kept 10 mags on me in case I had to be mobile quick.

As civilians we have our own version of a “load out”.  It’s our EDC or everyday carry.  Usually it is a phone, keys, knife, wallet or purse/bag, and hopefully a gun.  I taught my children, “Never leave home without a knife or gun.”  Often a flashlight is part of that EDC.  A spare magazine should also be in your EDC.  Having been scared from seeing that bolt back and open because of my magazine running dry, I have vowed to never let it happen again.  I always have a spare mag.  Of course, this is only useful if you carry a semi-auto pistol. If you carry a revolver, speedstrips, speedloaders, and moon clips can provide similar benefits.

The most obvious reason for carrying a spare mag is for the extra ammo. Depending on the type of pistol you carry, this may be more or less of an incentive, but it is always advantageous. If you carry a mouse gun with around 6 rounds in the mag, this may be a requirement. If you carry a full-size, double-stack 9mm with upwards of 15+1 rounds on hand, you may feel like you’re already covered. Likely you are, but there are other reasons it’s good to carry a spare magazine. 

Having a spare magazine is also great should you suffer a firearm malfunction. General malfunctions such as a double-feed or failure to eject can be quickly and easily cleared by dropping your mag and racking the slide. Unless you work to hold and maintain the magazine while manipulating your pistol, which requires more time and coordination, this leaves your mag on the ground. It’s much faster to simply eject, clear, and reinsert a fresh magazine. However, I will say there is a lot of value in retaining your original mag (and rounds) in case you need it later. It’s up to you to train and determine your proficiency level. 

Also, your original magazine may incur some damage that causes it to no longer function. Whether it breaks while dropped or binds up with grit, this leaves you out of luck if you don’t carry a spare magazine. Remember the preparation phrase “Two is one, one is none.” 

As we add more and more to our EDC loadout, things get heavier and tend to get left at home. Single-stack magazines tend to be easier to carry than double-stack mags because they are slimmer and lighter.

The most simple method of carrying a spare mag is just dropping it in your bag or pocket. However, this does not provide you with rapid access in the event of an emergency. You’ll likely be fishing around trying to retrieve your spare. 

The solution is a magazine carrier. These are available in Kydex, leather, and synthetic materials with different clip and attachment options. One model features a sleeve with a pocket clip, similar to what’s found on many common folding knives. This is perfect for the pocket and keeps the magazine held in the same place for a repeatable draw. Other options ride on the belt, either inside or outside the waistband. These will feature a sturdier belt clip or belt loops to hold them in place. Paddle style holders slide under the belt and are held in place by tension. 

You can also select a holster with a built-in spare magazine carrier. This is common on appendix carry holsters and shoulder rigs. This makes it harder to forget and keeps everything contained into a single unit. Unfortunately, these tend to be a bit less discrete and may print more than other options, depending on your body type and wardrobe. 

The type of magazines you buy also matters. Not all mags are the same, so don’t cheap out when it comes to choosing your mags. Perhaps you could if the mags were reserved for range use/malfunction training. Even then, I stick mainly to quality OEM or reputable manufacturers. They’re just as good as most factory options, sometimes better when they have more capacity.

You may also choose to carry an extended mag as your backup. This will hold more ammunition but may be more cumbersome. If you can take the extra weight and bulk, this is a good option.

Magazines aren’t 100% disposable, but they are expendable. Especially when you use them. A good magazine is designed to be used, maintained, and eventually replaced. It is important to get yourself on a replacement schedule to prevent malfunctions. They’re not the most fun thing to buy, but it’s like getting batteries for your devices, it’s a necessity. 

There are differing thoughts around spring wear and what wears out magazines the most. From what I have seen and experienced, the most wear will come from the loading/unloading process while shooting. You may also get some wear when the magazine sits loaded with the spring compressed for a long period of time, but less so. 

Shooters should have multiple magazines for their firearm. When considering a new purchase or looking through your current inventory, consider which firearms use the same magazines. This can save you money and allows you to use your mags across a number of different firearms.

Whether you need it or not, carrying a spare mag is good insurance. In many ways, it echoes the reasons we carry a firearm in the first place. It is better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

These are many viable reasons to carry a spare magazine.  But the one that is tattooed in my brain is a dry mag and someone shooting at you!

Semper Paratus

Check 6
