Thursday, July 3, 2014

Concealed Carry Responsibilities: 7 Points of the "Concealed Carrier Law"

I took a Concealed Weapons Permit course in Arizona that kind of left me concerned. I am not a gun control advocate and believe that most of the laws we have now are sufficient. Some may be over-reaching. But the class I took with my wife and another couple, taught more about laws and the legal side of concealed carry. I have no problem with that, even though I do not live in Arizona, it was from that state which I was being issued a permit. They taught Arizona law. The first thing that was taught was gun safety, and the remainder of the 4 hour class was about law. I wish there was more. Don’t get me wrong, I like that the requirement is a small amount of time. But I have been training with guns for many years. I’ve also been a instructor for a few years. I go to the range weekly and dry fire several times a week. A course like that is very convenient for someone who has some experience. The problem is, most people don’t fit the category of “experienced”. There are responsibilities with carrying a lethal weapon.
I love the Boy Scouting movement! I have been involved with the Boy Scouts in one way or another since the 1986. Before that I was a boy involved. I love the tradition, the principles, and the skills. As a Boy Scout you must learn and live the 12 points of the Scout Law. They are:
A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
Scouts must learn this, and an oath, motto, and slogan, to give from memory. They recite it often.
I submit to you the 7 points of the Concealed Carrier (CC).
Law Abiding, Obligated, Committed, Studious, Aware, Realistic, and Mindful.
A Concealed Carrier is: (When I say “He”, I am also referring to “She”)
1. Law Abiding. A CC knows and abides by the laws where he carries. He is aware that not every state has the same laws. He knows and respects that some areas are off limits to concealed carry. He abides by the law even when he doesn’t agree with it. He works to change bad laws and to keep good ones. He also keeps up with frequent law changes in various areas.
2. Obligated. A CC is obligated to caring for his own security and that of his friends and family. He takes self- protection seriously and does all that he can to teach others the importance of this. He also knows of the obligation he has to use his weapon responsibly and to maintain a high level of safety in his carry. He knows to always have his weapon where he lawfully can and that this will change everything about his life. He accepts this obligation.
3. Committed. A CC is committed to concealed carry and all that it entails. He has committed time, money to being qualified and competent to carry a weapon. He knows he must practice and prepare his mind and body for what he hopes will never happen.
4. Studious. A CC knows that he must be learning all the time. He seeks out courses, classes, and individuals where he can learn more about concealed carry and safe, secure tactics. He knows that you can never have too much experience or education.
5. Aware. A CC is aware of what he is doing and what is going on around him. He has a situational awareness that often keeps him away from danger and out of harms way. He is aware of places and people that may put him in a situation where he will need to use his weapon, and he avoids them. He goes boldly toward danger if he needs to protect others but recognizes the USA has the best law enforcement professionals in the world.
6. Realistic. A CC knows that it’s easy to fool yourself into believing you have enough training to handle anything. He realizes that being realistic about his abilities and training will only help him to become better prepared. He knows that just carrying a weapon does not ensure your safety. He also knows that he may have to use lethal force one day, but would rather not.
7. Mindful. A Concealed Carry permit holder has asked himself the hard questions of using lethal force. They have trained and have been serious and consistent about that training. He knows that “When seconds count, the police are minutes away.” He is responsible for his own security and the safety and security of his loved ones. He has developed a warrior mind set and does his best to be a “sheepdog”. He also does his best to never have to use his weapon, but is prepared if necessary.
There you have it. Learn it, live it, love it!
It’s a good idea to also adopt the Boy Scouts motto, “Be Prepared” and especially their slogan, “Do a good turn daily.”

Semper Paratus

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