Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Concealed Carry Tips For New Carriers, Reminder For Experienced

I was in Wal-mart the other day and I saw a new concealed carrier in front of me in the check out. He kept doing all the wrong things and finally I said discreetly, “New to concealed carry?” He looked at me and said “It’s that obvious? Am I printing?” I said “No but you are screaming ‘I’m carrying a gun!’”
Maybe you’ve seen this before yourself. Here are some common “tells” when someone is carrying a gun.

Fooling around with the gun.
This is something that is so obvious for those of us who do carry. It would also be obvious to law enforcement too.
I understand. It’s something new and you’re not used to it. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable. You are carrying an extra pound or two and it may even be pulling at your clothes. One thing I would suggest is to practice carrying at home. Carry as you would in public. This way you find out if that new holster really is what you’d thought it would be. You also will find out if you need to make wardrobe changes too. Sometimes your gun just moves. Be careful how you do this adjustment. Step into a bathroom if you can. Usually I make any adjustments before I get out of the car.
There is also a tendency to touch the gun to make sure it’s there. Fight this temptation! If you really need to adjust make sure it’s discreet. Everyone adjusts clothing after getting out of the car. This is a good time to make sure your still concealed.
Get a good holster and belt. I know that a lot of money can be spent on these two items. Carrying concealed is a commitment and a responsibility. If you are careful, do your research, and look for sales you can find your gear for a reasonable price. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and part with your hard earned cash. I have a drawer full of holsters at home. I find other uses for them if they won’t work for carry. I used some for transporting the gun to and from the range if I’m not carrying it. I’ve modified some of them to conceal a gun in another location in my house. Some holsters I use but switch off depending on which gun I’m carrying. Find a good comfortable holster that will work for you and practice with it. But remember, the idea is that no one knows you have a gun. Don’t mess it up by broadcasting it to everyone.

Knowing and practicing firearms safety.
Frankly there is no excuse for this. Being a gun owner is a responsible endeavor. You should be serious about it and learn and know the rules of safe gun handling. Besides handing storing you weapon safely is another consideration.
Keeping your guns out of the wrong hands is your responsibility. This means away from children or anyone who cannot handle it mentally. It also means away from criminals. Locking up your guns properly is sometimes a law depending on what state you are in. There are many quick access vaults out there and safes to be able to handle your needs. Like good gear, your weapon security are dollars well spent. Safety rules are just that, rules. If you break them you put yourself and me (others) at risk. I don’t like that. It bugs me.
The rules are:
1-All guns are loaded. Cleared or not, they are loaded.
2-Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. “Cover” means point.
3-Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. Guns don’t shoot without a willing finger.
4-Be sure of your target and beyond.
These are not difficult to learn. You should be able to memorize them and know that number 3 is keeping your finger off the trigger. Be strict with yourself in following these rules.
It is a sign of an inexperienced and untrained person when these rules are broken.

Not carrying a round in the chamber.
This is just showing ignorance about guns. You can just about play hockey with a loaded gun. Unless there is a problem with it, it won’t go off until the trigger is pulled. That doesn’t mean you can break any of the safety rules, it just means you can carry a round in the chamber.
If you have to charge the weapon to shoot you will never shoot. Either in the heat of the moment you will forget to chamber a round, or you won’t have time. Ever watch a movie of TV show and the guy has been chased or is chasing someone and halfway through he finally charges the weapon? Is he stupid? Well no, the public is generally stupid about Hollywood and they learn their weapons knowledge from them. An experienced combat veteran will tell you that if you walk around without a round in the chamber and a safety on, you will probably die. If you’re strictly adhere to the above safety rules you will never have a negligent discharge. There are no accidents. Someone will try and tell you that accidents happen. I don’t agree. What I will agree on is that most people don’t practice. If you say that most gun owner do not train and then you say to carry empty chamber, I think you’re giving them a disaster scenario. If you train with a slide rack then an empty chamber is fine. I don’t like it, but if it works for you… There are some guns that would require you to carry empty chamber. Guns made before 1970 would be dangerous to carry with a round in the chamber. Know you gun and train appropriately. If you’re uncomfortable with a round in the chamber you had better train and train often to rack the slide as you draw.

Little or no practice.
Again, carrying a gun is a responsibility. You are expected to be safe with the gun. So you buy a good holster and belt and take training classes. Then you very rarely go to the range? You are problem waiting to happen. You are going to shoot AT someone and hit someone or something else. A handgun is one of the most difficult small arms to master. But without practice you might as well close your eyes and hope. Hope is not a strategy. Put together a training program. Just as you should have a fitness program you should have a self-defense program. It will not just come back to you when you need it. Shooting is a perishable skill. If you don’t practice you are not being responsible. Don’t carry a gun if you can’t find the time. It’s like a dull knife. You are under the delusion that if you have it with you it will work. But a dull knife is dangerous. Just as carrying a gun without practicing what you’ve learned is dangerous. You don’t have to be a gun guy/girl to practice. Just as you don’t have to be an athlete to exercise.

Checking your ammunition
Every make and brand of ammo is a little different. I’ve seen some guns that would not cycle certain kinds of ammo. I’ve even seen a gun that would not shoot a specific box of ammo but would shoot a different box of the same ammo! Most guns aren’t that picky and some are not picky at all. Shouldn’t you be sure? Take a few from each box and shoot them. It will give you a chance to feel exactly what your defensive shots will feel like and test you gun in the process. This is where practice will benefit your defense. Nothing wrong with practicing with ball ammo and carrying hollow points. This is how I rotate my carry ammo. I shoot it up. This way I know what it’s like to shoot 147 grain over 115 grain, and I always have fresh ammo to carry.

This article was written with the new carrier in mind. Make sure if you are an “old” carrier, you are not guilty of these small tips. It’s always good to review. Make sure at whatever level you are, that you carry responsibly.

Carry on
Semper Paratus

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Truth And Gun Grabbers

You may have seen this State Farm Insurance commercial?
If you haven’t seen the commercial and don’t want to click I’ll summarize. A pretty blonde comes out of her apartment to meet her neighbor friend Mike. He is using a State Farm app on his phone for an accident his car was in. He tells her some of the other things you can do with the app. She says she heard State farms app didn’t do all those things. The neighbor asked where she heard that? She says, “On the internet.” He says, “And you believed it.” Then she says, “Yes you can’t put anything on the internet if it’s not true.” He says, “Where’d you hear that?” Then they both say “On the internet.”
Then she proceeds to tell him about her blind date she met on the internet. “He’s a French model.” The date walks up and he’s clearly not a French model. The date says “Bonjoir” and they go off together.
The internet is an amazing, wonderful place. Information that until the internet, was not as accessible, is now at our finger tips. But there is also lots of false things, and misinformation on the internet.
Benjamin Franklin said: “The problem with the internet is that many quotes are not true!”
How did you like that quote? How about this one? “All of what you read on the internet is ¾’s true.” The person that said that was me!
I write on the internet. If it were not for the internet you wouldn’t be reading this right now. I don’t think I would have ever written a book. I have always been interested in the magazine. In junior high and high school I wrote for the newspaper. Actually I took pictures more than I wrote. I also started an underground newspaper. I felt that there was a little too much censorship in our high school newspaper. I put out 3 editions of this. I would come early to school and slide them in everyone’s locker. It was called “Another View”. No it wasn’t a radical newspaper, this was not the 60’s. I’ve published other small newsletters before this little blog. I know that without communication we cannot put across our views. The internet is all about communication. But it must be used wisely.
I have seen, received, and discarded many “forwards” concerning guns that I know are wrong. Some of them I’ve checked on and they were false also. When will gun advocates learn that putting out a quote that is false is not going to help our cause for first amendment rights. It will probably harm it. Don’t do it! The only way to fight the attack on our rights is with pure truth not lies. When you receive something that sounds a little off or outrageous, check the facts. If you can’t confirm the information at least just delete it and don’t forward it along.
There are many anti-gunners out there that I am not fond of. Hilary Clinton, President Obama, Dianne Feinstein, and many others that I can hardly stand. To expose them as the gun haters they are and to expose their dishonesty is something I could love to participate in. But make sure it is the truth. If you quote them make sure it is in context and can easily referenced. In fact, you should always include references with dates, time, and where the quote is from.
I also call foul on some websites like Politifact and Snopes. They are not all bad but I’ve questioned their facts before also. I don’t think they are particularly dishonest but I have seen some political leanings in them. At least they will give references. Don’t just take them at their word, do your own research. Sometimes it takes a little work to find the truth and I understand your reluctance to put in the time. At the very least do not forward or re post anything you have not checked out. Don’t perpetuate deception.
The people I do not understand are those that like guns yet they put out lies and “quotes” to discredit the gun grabbers. Don’t do that. The gun grabbers are easy to discredit with honesty. We have to take the moral high ground here and be honest and yes, even kind. I know that is hard in the face of Nancy Pelosi being her irritating, not so honest self. Leave the lying and self-delusion to the gun grabbers. We must be all about truth. Important, critical matters may hinge on that honesty one day. We must be able to discern the validity of information we send and receive.
Don’t give into the frustration of dealing with these lu-lus. The grabbers do this a lot. They take the word of another grabber.
As a member of the LDS faith I have dealt with anti-Mormon individuals and organizations for years. I’ve found that often they quote each other rather than credible sources. Anti-gunners are the same. Don’t confuse them with the facts.
In most cases, it’s easy not to fall for that. If someone promotes a quote, or a claim or an outrageous “news story,” make sure there’s a link to a credible source. If not, either find one or don’t pass the ‘information” on.
Truth is something that we all need to cling to. As the scriptures attest, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

Semper Paratus
Check 6

New Sights For Old Sight

For those of you in your twenties you probably won’t understand a thing we are saying in this article. But read it anyway. You will learn your future.
Getting older has its advantages. Senior discounts. Really knowing your limitations. Wisdom of having been there, done that. But one thing that sneaks up on you is your body wearing out. I’ve worn glasses since I was 10 so being a little blind was something I was used to. I separated from the military over 20 years ago and my vision is exactly what it was leaving the military… except now I need bifocals. How the heck do I use bifocals while focusing on the front sight? This is a common problem so let’s talk about it.
There are many things you can do to make your sights more visible. Traditional iron sights can be customized for high visibility. If you like your iron sights then this is a good help.
You can actually paint the front sight with colored paint or nail polish in a bright color. The late Jeff Cooper made the statement, “If you are going to use a contrasting front sight, use a color not normally found in nature,” and you would do well to heed that advice. That means bright orange, bright red, super pink.
Glock lovers will understand aftermarket sights. I’m not a big Glock fan but have shot a lot of them. I don’t like the factory plastic sights they use. There is Trijicon HD Night Sights. The only compromise with them is that at greater distances (around 20-25yds+) the large front sight obscures a lot of the target.
Also available is XS big dot sights. There is also fiber optic front sights. The point is that there are a LOT of different night sight/high visibility sight combos on the market and you can find the ones that work best for you.
Lastly, if you choose a night sight configuration where the rear dots/sights also have tritium — if in low light you have trouble distinguishing the front sight from the rear sights — you can use a red sharpie to “fill in” the rear sights, dulling their brightness to help the front sight stand out.
Another great option is laser sights.
Crimson Trace is the pioneer in this industry and have finally made these sights small enough to make them a great option. With these you can focus on the target and not the front sight. Red is more difficult to see in bright sunlight but green is available. If you have shot a lot and trained a lot it will take some getting used to. You have to train to use lasers or your focus will go right to the front sight. This is a good option if your eyesight is really having problems but great for anyone.
Red dot sights are also available.

I like these systems and there are many out there. You can even pick up a cheap one if you want to just see how they work and if they are for you. Just know that the cheap ones are not as good as the expensive ones.
I like red dots on rifles. They have a proven track record on ARs and AKs. They are faster to acquire the target and stay on target. I have never used a red dot on a pistol. Right off the bat I would say that I would not like the bulk of a red dot on a handgun. But I can honestly say I’ve never tried it. I understand that there is mounting problems doing this on a pistol so be aware of that possibility. Eotech, Trijicon, and Aimpoint are the top red dots. I’m sure there are others and I’m certain there are cheaper ones.
I like red dots on a rifle with see through mounts to use the iron sights also. Red dot sights run off of batteries and I want a good option in case they fail.
Whatever you choose you must train and practice with those sights to make them a good option for you.
These suggestions are also in order of my preference but they are price driven. Try high visibility irons first before moving to the higher tech, and higher priced, options. I like iron sights and feel I shoot best in close quarters with them. But I no longer hunt or shoot competitively. So I only shoot for pleasure and for defense. I can probably get away with iron sights. You should find out what works best for you and what you like best. If I had a choice I’d probably have Eotechs on every gun I own just because that would be cool. But that would probably not be very practical, cost wise. I think I’m a purist and want the iron sights to feel like I’m not giving into the newfangled electricity. Although I’m not out buying candles…

Semper Paratus
Check 6

Reloading During A Fight

As so many of my articles start, so it is with this one. I was at the range the other day…
I heard a guy one bay over getting frustrated with his training. He was shooting, reloading, and re-engaging the target. I watched him a second and then went back to my business. Apparently I shook my head while I was watching or something and shortly he came over. I’ve got to stop expressing myself without talking! He was very polite and waited until I was done with my set before interrupting. He asked if I knew anything about tactical reloads. I said I know that they should never be done during a fight, unless there is a break or shortly after the fight is done. He was furiously practicing a tactical reload that he would probably never do during a fight. During a fight you need ALL your bullets!
A tactical reload is where you change magazines before the magazine is empty. Basically you have a round in the chamber and you’re topping off the gun with a fresh, full mag.
I explained what I knew about them. He asked if that was something I felt should be done with speed. I answered not so much speed as accuracy! You must be sure the magazine is seated correctly or you will have only one round to shoot. I was glad to see a defensive shooter trying to train for the realities of a gunfight. I found out that this guy was a Border Patrolman.
I’ve seen it so many times. Someone who wants to practice with their concealed carry weapon steps up to the firing line and shoots a tight group with the perfect stance, grip, and aim. No movement is involved and they go home thinking they are training for the unthinkable to happen. Now I don’t really blame them, it was the way they were taught. Without any force-on-force training you would think that was enough training.
A shooting is different than a gunfight. Shootings are usually close, quick, and deadly. A gunfight involves bullets flying everywhere. This changes everything! Makes that pretty range with its yard markers, flat surfaces, and stands look pretty useless. Of course that’s not true. The stand and shoot method of shooting is what we all did to learn to shoot. It’s the perfect way to build muscle memory and work on bad habits. But it is not defensive training.
The best way for me to describe defensive training is movement.
When bullets are coming downrange and you are at the recipient end all bets are off. All you want is to get out of the way of those bullets. You may be hit, possibly in the hand. Most of the time the hands, or the gun, is what is focused on in a gunfight. In the force-on-force training I did almost all of my first hits were hands. It takes a very cool head who focusses on center of mass or head shots. So have you practiced slapping and racking with one hand? What about mag changes? You may not actually be shot. Bullet fragment, shrapnel, or even debris from things around you getting hit with bullets may incapacitate your hand or arm. Doing reloads in a second or less may have no bearing on the reality of your gunfight. I’m not saying you should not practice reloading quickly, I’m just saying more is required. This is good dry fire training. One of the reasons I like airsoft guns for dry fire is they are pretty to close to the actual gun they represent. They have a removable magazine and are realistic to a certain degree.
Learning the basics of shooting standing still is fine, but the real difference between that and a gunfight is movement. Make sure the training you receive has movement involved in the training. It could be that the training is moving on the draw, after you shoot, while you shoot, or just finding cover, there should be moving involved. I guarantee that once you realize what is happening, hopefully right away, you will be moving.
Competition is usually different. It is the perfect world of shooting. You will never have to reload on the move. You will conserve ammunition, hit everything you aim at and get to cover to make the perfect tactical reload in preparation for the next step. Combat, whether military, law enforcement, or personal protection, is very different. Everything must be done on the move so everything must be practiced moving, especially reloads.
The difficulty with reloads in a firefight is focus. Under great stress you often have a tunnel vision. If you have this and need to reload it can hinder your focus on the threat. You can’t reload like you check your phone, head down focusing on the task. You must know what the threat is doing because your life depends on it. Making a simple reload must be in front of your face and looking at your field of fire and your threat. Do what you have to do and get back into the fight as fast as you can without losing sight of the threat. You can look through the trigger guard, or under it. Get in the habit of pivoting the weapon and not really changing the orientation of the gun. Make it a natural thing, not something uncomfortable. Make it with as few movements as possible for speed. The idea is to keep throwing lead at your attacker to stop the threat. A tactical reload, or whatever it is called this week, it goes by many names, won’t do you any good in a fight. You don’t need to conserve ammo but to get shots on target. Your life is in danger and you must defend yourself. Shoot until you are empty and then reload. Do this until the threat stops.
These two reloads should be practiced in every position you can think of. This is why I keep getting caught on the ground at the shooting range. You must shoot from every angle and position you can come up with. This can also be practiced with dry fire. I recommend a little of both. Learning to pop up, or around, cover, acquire the target, shoot, and pop back down is a process and has to be practiced. Doing all of this one handed is also another need.
The most popular one-handed reload is to use your knees to hold the weapon while you access your magazine. This can be done while standing, sitting or even kneeling. With a bit of effort, it keeps the muzzle pointed in the correct direction. Place the weapon between your knees, reload as needed and get it back in the fight. The nice part is that this method facilitates the use of either hand. If the slide is locked back, it can be placed into battery using the slide release. If not, running the slide may entail the use of a tire or even a crack in the wall. This is the very reason ledge sights are so common today.
Another one-handed reload seen with some frequency is the use of the lower leg while in a kneeling position. This generally accomplishes the same thing, and for those with large legs like me, it’s actually easier. This technique is a single-sided event, so practice on both sides. You can also place the weapon under your injured arm, especially if yours is only a hand injury. You can also use a waistband, your holster, a pocket or other parts of your clothing—just take the time to work it out.
Use your imagination when training for the actual shooting. When I took a combat driving course they had us shoot from various positions from a vehicle. It’s different so don’t just assume you will understand the challenges of shooting from a vehicle. Walk around a few vehicles looking for how you would manipulate your guns controls from behind the cover of a vehicle. Make sure you do these things several times dry first before going hot.
Mindset is the difference here. All gunfights are not the same. You’re an idiot if you think that you are the only one with a gun. You must train for a fight not something or anything else. Remember If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear. Samuel Goldwyn of MGM said: “The harder I work, the luckier I get.” The same goes for training, the more you train the luckier you get!
Semper Paratus
Check 6

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Survival Kit or Get Home Bag

I was working 3 to 11 one time during a big storm. I don’t usually work this shift but happened to be on it. I was returning home. We live out in the country and we have a few low water crossings between our house and the highway. I got through one low water crossing but didn't feel I should continue through the next. So I was stuck. I waited about an hour until I felt I could get through that crossing and home. While I was sitting there I thought of many things I would have liked to have at that moment.
My EDC (everyday carry) is only a few things, but includes a flashlight that I was grateful for. That was when I started to think about a GHB (get home bag). I've always kept 2 things in every glove compartment of every car we had. A cheap $2 knife, and a lighter. I've also always had older cars so I carry tools. Also, I've always carried a first aid kit.
But my GHB is for many scenarios I could think of where I would want to get home. Here's what I put together:
Water- 3 gls (separate from bag)
Emergency poncho
Emergency blanket
Nylon spork
Can opener
1 Roll of TP
Pepper spray
Feminine supplies
Level 1 first aid kit
Water straw filter
550 paracord
Light stick
Firestarting kit: Matches, striker and sparker, Fire starter Fishing kit: Bobs, line, bait, hooks
Leather gloves
N95 Dust mask
Shower cap
Hand lotion
Toothbrush, toothpaste
Liquid soap
Pack of baby wipes (change often-goes dry) Washcloth Camelbak bladder Map Sun block
2 sets of hand warmers
1 Trash bag
Tube tent
"Yard light" recharger
Can of tuna
Tuna pouch
MRE crackers
1 pac Jerky
2 cans Vienna sausage
2 MRE Entrees
2 Spam pacs
2 Mylar rice meals
2 Gatorade powder pacs

I need to update the food list. I've changed some items with freeze dried

Make sure food is in separate zip-locs

I carry a blanket of some kind too. Preferably a wool blanket. If I lived where it got real cold I would plan accordingly with carrying maybe wool socks, heavier gloves, a set of thermals, an alcohol heater in a can. It's all in a cheap pack if I have to walk out. I do keep the pack in a Tupperware type tote to keep it out of direct sun. That way it may make it look less like a backpack and maybe be less desirable to break in and steal.
The map has a couple of ways home from where l work that are away from regular roads or side dirt roads. For me I'm paranoid that something will go down and they won't let me leave work. So I've formulated different ways to get out of there.
I recommend lots of water. Of course we get pretty hot here.
Between this list and others come up with your own. Some things you would need to add for kids.
I'd like to shave off some items in mine because I don't like a lot if I can help it.
I also carry a gun everywhere, every day. I keep an extra box of ammo in my vehicles console. Make sure about laws and do things legal.
Also, make sure you go through your bags once or twice a year. Change out old food, switch water, and check stuff in first aid kits. It's good to check to make sure nothing has broken open and messed up other things. I was thinking that some bug repellent would be a good idea. Or a mosquito head net.

You don't have to spend a lot of money. At first you see my food was not expensive. Check food dates when you buy it and you will see there is a lot in Mylar.
The multi-tool is just a $10 one and the flashlight is not an expensive one either. The bag was a $4 one on sale around the beginning of school. If you feel you need to slowly upgrade because this stuff may save your life one day than do so one item at a time slowly. Look for sales and dollar store deals.

This bag is kind of an all in one bag. It’s just a good idea to have something like this with you. I’ve known some who kept their 72 hour kit in their vehicles. I don’t feel the need in my situation but I don’t want to be caught with nothing. I also keep hand sanitizer, bottled water, and a N95 mask at work.

Pre-positioning as much as I can gives me more options.

Being prepared takes fore thought and some sense. Also know that you can go crazy trying to prepare for everything all the time. Prepare for what you can but train for all that you can. For instance, I’ve taken courses in many different medical procedures. I’m not a medical professional or am I a first responder, but I’d like to be qualified like one. You never know when a little knowledge or experience will come in handy.

Semper Paratus
Check 6

Friday, May 20, 2016

BOB Help: Navy SEAL Survival Kit

Putting together a Bug out bag is an individual thing. But there are some basics. This is why I recommend finding a list that you like, and working off of it tweaking your kits to meet your needs and wants. The Navy SEALs are known for their adaptation of their situation and their rugged survivability.
When the SEALs need a survival kit they put out their requirements so that contractors can see what is needed to bid on the contract of making and selling these kits to the Department of Defense. This is a list of what the Navy put out for a SEAL survival kit. It may be of use to you when you build your kit or when you review what you already have.
“The hard case is 4-by-2-by-1.2 inches, weighing six ounces or less, and available in both “Desert Tan” or “OD/Forest Green.”
Beyond those particulars, the hard case shall be:
— Capable of limited cooking without effecting the container finish (i.e. paint bubbling)
— Capable of being used as a limited digging implement without affecting its ability to house contents (simultaneous function of digging and housing not required).
— Shall have a weather resistant gasket able to keep out water during minor water immersion (i.e. river crossings, swimming)
— Shall have a fastening system that is reuseable and secure to prevent accidental openings
— Top surface of kit must have permanently affixed a 2” x 3” piece of loop fastener (i.e. soft side of velcro)
— Ruggedized to take heavy abuse while carried without damage to inner contents
— Case shall securely hold all items below without rattling or other noises.
The soft case, measuring 3.5 by 2.25 inches, will feature a U.S. flag patch (so much for keeping your nationality secret, although one has to believe it’s removable), be “subdued desert in color” and feature a “hook fastener (i.e. hard side of velcro) sewed to back with a slit in order to store and retrieve contents below yet hold contents down while worn.”
The SEAL’s hard-storage case will contain (quoting directly from the solicitation):
1. Mini-Multi Tool with:
a. Stainless Steel
b. Pliers
c. Wire cutter
d. File
e. Awl
f. Packaged so as to not rattle in case
2. Button Compass
a. Quality AA
b. 14mm
c. Liquid dampened
d. Minimum 8 hour luminous
3. LED Squeeze Light
a. Red
b. Continuous or Momentary Switch
4. Fire Starting Kit
a. Ferro cerium rod not to exceed 3”L x 8mm W
b. Tinder tabs (4) packaged in reclosing bag.
5. Water Storage Device
a. 2L capacity
b. Able to hold all contents of the kit
c. Must be sealable and reuseable
d. Must be odor proof
6. Water Purification Tablets
a. 40 tablets
b. Packaged in amber, medical grade borosilicate
7. Electrolyte Tablets
a. 2 tablets
8. Signal Mirror
a. 2”x 3”
b. Non-mirrored side covered with an IR reflective material
c. Mirror side must be protected to prevent scratches. Protective cover must be able to be removed with one hand.
d. Must have an aiming hole
9. Thermal Blanket
a. 21” x 56” x .05mil
b. Polyester, aluminized
c. 1 side silver, other side orange
d. Packaged in plastic with easy tear pre-cuts
10. Kevlar Line
a. Yellow or green in color
b. 188lb test
c. 15 feet in length
d. Packaged in plastic with easy tear pre-cuts
11. Safety Pins
a. Two #2 (1.5” steel)
b. Two #00 (.75” brass)
c. Packaged in plastic with easy tear pre-cuts.
12. P-38 can opener
a. Packaged so as to not rattle while in case.
13. Stainless Steel Wire
a. 2’ of 20ga
14. Duct Tape
a. Brown or Green in color
b. 26” x 2”
15. Fresnel Magnifying Lens
a. 4x power
b. 3.25” x 2”
16. Waterproof Note Paper
a. 4 sheets
b. Desert tan color
c. 3.5” x 2”
17. Ink Pen
a. Pressurized ink cartridge
b. Black in color
18. Broad Spectrum Antibiotic Ointment
a. 1/32oz foil pack
19. Cotton Pad
a. 100% Cotton
b. 2” x 2.5”
c. Packaged in plastic with easy tear pre-cuts.

The contents of the soft storage case will include:
1. Hacksaw Blade
a. Carbon Steel
b. 24tpi
c. 2.75” L
d. Hole in one end for a lanyard
e. Opposite hole end, sharpen down reverse tanto-style end.
2. Ceramic Razor Blade
a. 1 or 2 sides sharpened
b. Packaged so as to not accidentally cut anything or dull
3. Moleskin Adhesive Patch
a. Heavy duty
b. 1.75” x 2.5”
4. Kevlar Thread
a. Green or yellow
b. 100-200lb test
c. 24” in length
d. Packaged in plastic with easy tear pre-cuts.
5. Fishing Leader/Downrigger Cable
a. Multi-strand
b. Stainless steel
c. 50lb test
d. 24” in length
6. Suspended Navigation Magnet
a. Identifiable north painting feature
b. Magnet suspended from thread/string
c. Packaged in plastic with easy tear pre-cuts.
7. Ferro Cerium Rod
a. 1.75” L x .125”W
8. Cotton Ball
a. Impregnated with wax.
b. Packaged in a reclosing bag.
9. Bobby Pins
a. Spring steel
b. 2 small
c. 1 large
d. Black in color
The final two items are worth singling out, because they highlight the optimism bred into every SEAL (and trump the safety and bobby pins):
10. Handcuff Shim (Pick)
11. Universal Handcuff Key
a. Non-metallic resin material
How to pack survival kits for stranded special-operations forces has been a subject the U.S. military has dealt with for at least the past half-century, according to this Army contracting guidance from back then:
An individual engaged in unconventional warfare and counter-guerrilla operations is frequently exposed to possible capture. In counter-guerrilla operations, indigenous elements with which a US soldier is working may be dispersed, causing complete separation of the soldier from the unit. While in an operational area, he must be continuously prepared to initiate evasive action and conceivably to continue evading for an extended period of time. His possession and proper use of a suitable survival kit may be the critical factor in effecting a successful juncture with friendly personnel. Therefore, there is a requirement for an individual aid and survival kit for issue to personnel participating in special warfare operations.”
In my years in the military there was several things I liked about the organization. One was usually the equipment was what you needed and often exceeded good quality. Take this list and compare what you have for your 72 hour kits/bugout bags/get out of dodge kits/everyday carry/survival kits.
Semper Paratus
Check 6

Gun Culture 1.0 and 2.0: Which Are You?

Which culture do you come from? Gun Culture 1.0? Or Gun Culture 2.0? What’s the difference? What does it matter? These are all good questions that I will attempt to answer.
I will attempt to define these two terms Gun Culture 1.0 and Gun Culture 2.0 (respectively GC1 and GC2). GC1 would be by my definition a hunter or competitive shooter, over 45 years of age. A GC2 would be a competitive shooter or a concealed carrier between 21 and 45 years old. As usual, these are generalities. By these definitions I would be considered a GC1, but of course I don’t hunt or compete anymore. I do carry so maybe I’m a GC2? But I’m over 45 years old so I must be GC1. As you can see, trying to define these two cultures is pretty difficult.
At one time I was both of these definitions. Now I am part of one and part of another. I’m older and I meet a lot of what I would define as GC2’s. I think the typical GC2er sees me as a sage and very unorthodox even by GC2 standards. I am often found shooting on my back or crouched behind something. I am not so concerned with my “pattern” or “group” although on a good day it can be pretty tight. I am concerned with stopping the threat. If that means my group is 5 inches then so be it. A 5 inch group head shot will stop a threat. At times I revert back to my competition days and make .5 magazine changes. But usually I’m not in a big hurry anymore.
What I like about the GC2 people is that they are young. For us “GC1ers” a young shooter was a pre-teen with a .22 rifle in 4H or Boy Scouting. Now days a young shooter can be a 23 year old with a Kimber competition 9mm. Of a Smith and Wesson Shield. The only problem that I can see with a typical GC2 is that they don’t seek out enough training. They took one class 2 years ago when they first bought their gun. If I have any advice for the up and coming shooter it would be to get training. Get diverse training. Take what you feel will work for you from several instructors. Learn and practice safety and do it uncompromising.
What exactly is “Gun Culture?” The word definition is: “A way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a business).”
Sometimes the words “Gun Culture” are used by those who don’t like guns. I think anti-gun people try to use certain words to scare people. Words like “assault weapons” and “gun culture” create negative connotation in those uneducated in guns. The media often is the problem here. They love to throw these words around even though they don’t know what they are talking about. I live my life as I was taught. My Father was a teacher and his Father a carpenter. Guns were not a big part of our lives any more than a garden rake. I own several garden rakes. I use them often. Does that mean I live in a “Rake Culture?” No. It’s a tool that I use. Guns are similar in my life. I was taught to shoot just as I was taught to ride a bike. I grew up in Arizona in the suburbs. We couldn’t shoot in our back yard but we could in the desert. We also could not ride mini-bikes in our back yards but we rode them in the desert. I don’t completely understand those that have little knowledge of guns coming up with a culture they think exists about something they have very little knowledge of. I also own an axe. I’ve never killed anyone with it or even threatened anyone. Do I now live in the “Axe Culture?” People have murdered with an axe yet for some reason the media thinks there is a “gun culture” out there but not an axe culture. They make no sense. Cars kill people a lot more than guns yet if you have several cars and they are your hobby you’re not considered part of a scary culture.
So, as I’ve said above, I guess I am part of this gun culture but I’m not sure I want to be known for that. I don’t want to scare anyone. Except the bad guys…
I have noticed that when people find out I am a gun guy they are surprised. I think they have a mental idea of what gun guys are like. Tattoos, red-necks, dark operator types, hunters, whatever they come up with. They are sometimes surprised that gun guys (and gals) are just like anyone else. I don’t usually dress any different than anyone else or do that different of things. I was at the gun range about a year ago where someone from my Church was with their son. We have a game warden in our ward who loves to hunt. She was willing to take out kids that wanted to hunt and was taking out my friend’s son. To get him familiar with the gun he would hunt with they were at the range. As I was leaving I stopped my vehicle to talk with these good people and my friend asked what I was doing there (at the range). I said “Oh I come here about twice a week.” My friend said “Twice a week!?” He was surprised that I shot so often. I don’t think he knew I shot at all! It’s not that my friend was anti-gun or anything, he just did not know that I was a gun guy and took it seriously. Is that part of the gun culture? Maybe it is and maybe I am part of that. If so, I am proud to be associated with good people, law enforcement, and military members who are also part of that “culture.”
And now I return to the GC1 and GC2. I am really a part of both. I know many who I would definitely describe as GC1 and others as GC2. But when it comes right down to it, I enjoy guns. I like the smell of spent gunpowder at the range. I like the sound of brass hitting the pavement. I like the feeling of shooting a fully automatic weapon (of which I don’t do very often because I don’t own any). I like the smell of CLP after I’ve cleaned my guns. I like the feel of a Smith and Wesson Model M686 with Pachmayr grips loaded with .357 Magnum ammo bought from Gunnies in Provo, Utah. These things make me smile.
The difference between Gun Culture and normal living is pretty negligible. I don’t think I’m that different than a golf guy who spends his time watching, playing, and reading about golf. Most of his money goes to the same thing.
I think that maybe there is some level of truth to the GC1 and GC2 and to gun culture in particular. But I don’t know if there is much difference with a sports nut or a car nut. But I know that we are treated differently. Cars, golf clubs, and baseball bats have all been used to kill people, but for some reason many have focused on the dreaded gun.
So, what are you? Gun Culture 1.0? Or Gun Culture 2.0?

Semper Parartus
Check 6

Remembering Bill Jordan: Border Patrolman, Marine combat veteran, Gun professional

Bill Jordan was a rough and tumble law man and Marine from a bygone era. One of the things Bill is known for is his lightning fast speed with a revolver. Massad Ayoob tells a story about he and Bill.
“I got to see both (his speed and combat savvy) up close and personal about 40 years ago when he picked me as his “victim demonstration partner” in one of his trademark exhibitions. His hand well clear of the K-Frame S&W in the Border Patrol holster he designed, he had me hold a Colt SAA cocked on a primer blank and with my finger on the trigger, with instructions to fire as soon as I saw his hand move. Once, twice, I did just that—and his double action flashed from its holster and “shot” me each time just before my own shot went off. He granted me a third chance, and I was watching his still holstered K-Frame when a shot exploded on my right: he had taken advantage of my tunnel vision to draw his bobbed-hammer Airweight Chief from his hip pocket and pop me with a primer blank, using his other hand!”
Bill tells a little about some of the advice he received and how it changed him.
“I consider myself fortunate in having known one of the greatest peace officers this country has produced—Captain John Hughes of the Texas Rangers… Like most old timers, he was reluctant to talk of personal experiences but occasionally passed out advice well worth heeding. One such gem that I have always remembered and will pass on was: ‘If you get in a gunfight, don’t let yourself feel rushed. Take your time, fast.’”
I like that, take your time, fast.
The Border Patrol holster Bill created has been replaced in police circles by more secure designs, and the classic .357 Combat Magnum he inspired has long since given way to modern autos. The .41 Magnum he and Elmer Keith inspired is still with us. The Jordan Trooper stocks are still made by Herrett’s, and both are still prized by the revolver community. Much of Bill’s life-saving advice remains absolutely, timelessly valid.
He said, “And above all, take all the time necessary but don’t dawdle. Remember, ‘speed’s fine, but accuracy’s final’—if you are given time to display it!”
He wrote of the moment of truth: “You are struck with the realization that your opposition is a man who is trying to kill you and that in the next instant the world might have to find someone else to revolve about. His bullet may end life for you!” It is one of the many legacies this great man left to the armed citizen and the law enforcement officer alike. Still published by Massad Ayoob’s publishing company “Police Bookshelf”, Bill Jordan’s “No Second Place Winner” remains a must-read classic for any who keep or carry handguns for self-defense.
I honor Bill Jordan on his birthday.
Semper Paratus
Check 6

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Instructor Tips For Beginners

In the movie “Black Hawk Down” there is an interesting scene. One of the Delta soldiers, SFC Norm 'Hoot' Gibson (Eric Bana) is in the chow hall in Somalia and is approached by Captain Stone (Lucious Mallfoy). Captain Stone chastises Hoot for carrying a hot weapon (loaded and on fire) and reminds him that the safety should be on. Hoot responds by curling his index finger and delivering this line, before walking off, “This is my safety, sir!”
Now I don’t advocate not using safeties. I also know that this is a scene from a movie, but to be honest, I’ve used the line myself.
Shooting instructors are all different. They come from different back grounds and disciplines. The bulk of my training as an arms instructor is from the military. There are instructors out there with law enforcement, hunting, competition, and other backgrounds. So with these differences you will find different ways of teaching. One thing I’ve learned as a shooting student, which I have always considered myself, and as an instructor, is that there are many ways of “doing it right.” Sometimes I don’t understand or agree with other ways or methods of teaching or of shooting, but I always keep an open mind. You’re never too knowledgeable or old to learn. Being stubborn or having pride closes you off to possible better ways and methods. Shooting evolves. Gear and guns change and improve. When I was younger I learned the weaver stance. The Weaver stance is a shooting technique for handguns. It was developed by Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff Jack Weaver during freestyle pistol competition in Southern California during the late 1950s. This stance was adapted and taught at Jeff Cooper’s Gunsite Academy for many years. I don’t usually use this stance. I learned to instruct by Jeff Cooper but even when I was trained by him in the 80’s he did not advocate that stance anymore. Things change and we learn. Even the late Jeff Cooper, with all his experience and training, learned.
I’d like to put down on paper my thoughts about the basic shooting tips that I’ve learned and taught over the years. Most of what I will share here is related to defensive shooting. Here are 4 tips.
1. Safety
Learn and practice safety. Each range and instructor may have some variation of the following rules:
1-All guns are loaded. Treat all guns as if they are loaded whether you know they are or not.
2-Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. “Cover” means point. Don’t point a gun at anything you don’t want to destroy.
3-Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. That’s where the above line “this is my safety” comes from.
4-Be sure of your target and beyond. Unlike the movies and TV, bullets often go through things and bodies. You are responsible for that round when it leaves your gun. Even if you shoot through the bad guy! You also are responsible for target identification. Never shoot at sounds or shadows. You are not in combat.
5-Never point your gun at me! This is an obviously selfish rule.
These are MY range rules. Not only should you know these rules by heart, you should practice them always. Know your instructors rules and the rules of where you shoot.
2. Mind
Remember first and foremost that shooting starts with your head and ends with your trigger finger. Your mind must assess the situation. You should have the situational awareness to see what is transpiring in front of, and all around, you. Your mind should be able to see, determine what is a threat, and know what is behind the threat, before taking a shot.
Training the mind is extremely important for operating a firearm safely, and using that firearm in the right way. Mind training will include a little “book work” such as law, and operating under high stress. Your instructor should be able to recommend reading and resources.
3. Fundamentals
Learn the basics of shooting correctly. In my opinion this would include, safety rules, grip, trigger press, and sight picture. These are the basics. There are other things but I believe if you can master these, you’ve won most of the war.
4. Practice
Many shooters are not shooters at all. They are just gun owners, or scarier, gun carriers, that took a course or two. I try to emphasize, practice often enough to teach muscle memory. Also know that practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. Learn the right way to do things and practice those perfectly. It’s not so much the number of rounds down range, but the number of controlled rounds down range makes the difference. Shooting is a perishable skill.
Failure to train is training to fail.

Shooting is not a difficult skill. If you can master the few fundamentals and practice them shooting will become a skill that stays with you your entire life. Hunting, competition, and self-defense are mostly the same. Learning fundamentals and exercising them. You may never be a Jerry Miculek or Rob Leatham, but you can win that local competition, bag that deer, or be ready to defend you and yours. Shooting can be something you and your spouse may want to do together, or maybe you want to make it a family activity. Learning to shoot right can also be rewarding and may save your life.
Semper Paratus
Check 6

Monday, May 9, 2016

New Cartridge Cases: First Change In Decades

This article is interesting enough for me to post. It is from Ammoland.com. There is a link at the end of the article.

Westport, Conn. (Ammoland.com) – Shell Shock Technologies, LLC. (SST), a start-up technology and manufacturing company focused on developing disruptive case technologies for the ammunition industry, has officially launched their first product; the NAS3 two-piece 9mm Nickel Alloy Shell.
Founded in August 2015, SST is committed to developing industry leading new technologies that combine low-cost with unprecedented performance.
The NAS3 two-piece case consists of a solid nickel-plated aircraft aluminum head and a proprietary enhanced nickel alloy stainless cylinder. The 9mm case is 50% lighter and costs significantly less than conventional brass cases. The weight savings will be even more dramatic for rifle cases. Shell Shock will be releasing additional pistol cases (380 and .45ACP) by year-end and a selection of rifle calibers over the next 12 months, all of which will feature NAS3 technology. All Shell Shock products come with a 24-month price guarantee and are proudly made in the USA!

The nickel plated aircraft-grade aluminum head, offers greater lubricity than brass and will not abrade, clog, foul, wear-out or damage breach and ejector mechanisms. SST’s patent pending design also prevents ‘ballooning’ caused by pistols and automatic weapons with an unsupported breach.  The head can be anodized in different colors for branding purposes and easy load identification. Polished Nickel and Black heads are immediately available, additional colors will be introduced later this year.
The proprietary nickel alloy stainless cylinder offers uniform wall thickness and a case capacity that is fractionally larger than a standard 9mm shell. Outside dimensions comply with SAAMI specifications. In addition, the case design incorporates a fractionally larger flash hole which helps eliminate back-face pressure, increases burn efficiency and is ideal for the new generation of environmentally friendly primers.
The combination of materials offers greater corrosion resistance, tensile strength (2x stronger) and elasticity than brass.  NAS3 cases will not split, chip, crack or grow (stretch) and are fully-reloadable with SST’s custom reloading dies. Testers have reported up to 40 reloads. NAS3 cases eject cool to-the-touch and can be picked up with a magnet (great for outdoor ranges).  SST will buy back spent cases from range operators for the same price per pound as brass cases.
Read more: http://www.ammoland.com/2016/05/first-new-technology-ammunition-cases-decades-shell-shock-technologies-llc/#ixzz48AZsJceA

Daniel Wesson, Gun Innovator

On May 18 we celebrate the 191st birthday of Daniel Wesson.
In 1854, Daniel B. Wesson partnered with Horace Smith and Courtlandt Palmer to develop the Smith & Wesson Lever pistol and the first repeating rifle, the Volcanic. Production was in the shop of Horace Smith in Norwich, CT. Originally using the name "Smith & Wesson Company", the name was changed to "Volcanic Repeating Arms Company" in 1855, with the addition of new investors, one of whom was Oliver Winchester. The Volcanic Repeating Arms Company obtained all rights for the Volcanic designs (both rifle and pistol versions were in production by this time) as well as the ammunition, from the Smith & Wesson Company. Wesson remained as plant manager for eight months before rejoining Smith to found the "Smith & Wesson Revolver Company" upon obtaining the licensing of the "rear loading cylinder" patent.
In 1856 S & W began to produce a small revolver designed to fire the rimfire cartridge they had patented in August 1854. This revolver was the first successful fully self-contained cartridge revolver available in the world. Smith & Wesson secured patents for the revolver to prevent other manufacturers from producing a cartridge revolver – giving the young company a very lucrative business.
At the age of 65, Horace Smith retired from the company and sold his share of the business to D. B. Wesson, making him the sole owner of the firm. In the late 1800s the company introduced its line of hammerless revolvers (still represented in S&W's handgun line).
In 1899, Smith & Wesson introduced what is arguably the most famous revolver in the world, the .38 Military & Police (Model 10). This revolver has been in continual production since that year and has been used by virtually every police agency and military force around the world.
The Smith & Wesson Model 10 Military & Police Revolver is the most successful handgun of all time. It is not the most powerful or the most accurate revolver. In fact it may not be the best gun for most uses but the genius of it is in its versitility. The Smith & Wesson Military and Police Revolver made its debut along with its revolutionary new cartridge, the .38 special, in 1899. The revolver has been manufactured largely in its current form since 1902 and has been produced with many variations for both commercial and military use. It is estimated that about six million of these revolvers have been produced. Almost all of them have been produced in .38 special. although British military contracts for the weapon were were designated the 38/200 British Service Revolver and were chambered in .38/200 which is essentially a .38 Smith & Wesson cartridge with a significantly heavier bullet. Until the 1980's when semiautos began to catch on in the United States this revolver was the standard in most American police departments. It still remains the standard in some although it has been largely supplanted by .357 magnum revolvers and numerous semiauto handguns. Commercial sales of the Model 10 have been in the millions and continue. Many military surplus and police department surplus revolvers are for sale in used condition today.
Even after a full century of technological advancements the Model 10 is still hanging in there as a reliable weapon with respectable stopping power. It has been produced in numerous variations over the last century but the square butt frame and standard weight 4 inch barrel is the most common. Even though semiautos are the norm now for police and military organizations it is unlikey that the Model 10 will disappear anytime soon. It is chambered for the popular .38 spl. cartridge and is weighted perfectly at 30.5 oz to make it very controlable for both novice and expert. Most of the Model 10's produced since World War II are also capable of handeling a limited amount of +P ammunition as well in an emergency situation improving their stopping power. It is simple to use and easy to maintain. Many early Model 10's still function flawlessly and have very smooth actions. A vintage Model 10 is usually superior in quality to the products Smith & Wesson currently produce.
The history of the Model 10 is one of unparalleled success. Its commercial demand has not ceased since 1899. Military use of this revolver reached its highest levels in World War II. The S&W Victory Model revolver is essentially a Model 10 with lanyard swivel and dull parkerized finish. Over 1.1 million were ultimately delivered to the U.S. government. By March of 1945 568,204 revolvers were also supplied to British forces chambered for the 38/200 cartridge. Old stocks of Victory Model revolvers supplemented with goverment purchases of additional Model 10's with commercial blue finishes were in use by the U.S. military until the 1980's. The British version proved quite popular as well and in 1947 Smith & Wesson resumed production of the Military & Police revolver in 38/200 for purchase by the many Commonwealth nations. In 1958 Smith & Wesson introduced the current model identification numbering system and this alien counterpart to the American Model 10 became known as the Model 11. Production continued until the late 1960's.
Perhaps the greatest testimony to the success of this revolver is that it has led to dozens of different models. This first Smith & Wesson revolver built on the K frame is the grandfather of all K frame revolvers today. K frame revolvers chambered in .38 spl or .357 magnum are available in many barrel lengths, finishes, choice of steel or alloy frame, with fixed or adjustable sights. The Model 10 is also one of the most copied designs in other countries. Millions of close copies of this revolver have been made in places like Spain, France, Brazil.
Daniel Wesson and his future generation, and Smith and Wesson will be known throughout history as innovators of the gun industry. The Model 10 will be the foundation of gun manufacturing for many years to come.

Semper Paratus
Check 6

Friday, May 6, 2016

Self-defense: A Personal Choice

14 Now the Nephites were taught to defend themselves against their enemies, even to the shedding of blood if it were necessary; yea, and they were also taught never to give an offense, yea, and never to raise the sword except it were against an enemy, except it were to preserve their lives.

What, if anything does this scripture have to do with us? Well, as I've written before, we can learn so much from scripture. They teach us truth and how to live. They also teach us about defense. The above verse says a lot about what a strong leader taught the people. We should defend ourselves, but we must defend righteously. Our modern day prophets have given us the same charge.

"By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families."
The Family, a Proclamation to the World.

How can this be done in these modern times? There are many definitions of "protection". I believe this to be protection from unrighteousness and from the world. But, it only stands to reason that it was meant to be protection from all evil, including those that would inflict physical harm as well as spiritual harm. Protection from spiritual harm is generally taught by the church in living the gospel, but where is the physical protection training? That is left to us. I have no problem with that but I fear living in a generally safe environment makes us vulnerable. Are the police tasked with our protection? No. The Supreme Court said this:
"The duty to provide public services is owed to the public at large, and, absent a special relationship between the police and an individual, no specific legal duty exists."

So this tells me I can't give my, or family's, security to the police. I must provide this myself. Most people trust their security to laws. The problem is, criminals and terrorists are not concerned with the law. This leaves security in our hands. Or you can take the chance that law will protect you. It will not and it is foolish to believe it will. The police have no obligation to protect us either. What is left?
This usually makes people react in a few ways. One reaction is denial. "It won't happen to me." The statistics depends on a variety of things, your age, sex, race, and location. But loosely speaking, you have about a 15% to 18% chance of violent crime touching your life. That's not much of a percentage and that's why many people depend on it. I still don't like those odds. So I've decided I need to change those odds. I've chosen a gun for defense. I do have less than lethal weapons but those are only a backup and an option. In my opinion less than lethal weapons are weak. There is a chance of any weapon not stopping the threat, but less than lethal has too much chance of not stopping anyone. Martial arts are fine, but they require a lot of time. All weapons require time but martial arts take a few years to become proficient. A gun requires time but I believe you can become proficient with a gun and be adequate before you could be deadly with a martial art.
The above scripture teaches us the correct way of self defense. Making a choice of self defense is an important decision. Don't choose it lightly.

Semper Paratus
Check 6

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

John Marlin, Gunmaker

John Mahlon Marlin was born in Connecticut on May 6, 1836. He grew up in New England and entered the tool and die trade as a young man. During the Civil War, he started building guns, working at the Colt plant in Hartford. In 1870, he struck out on his own and founded Marlin Firearms Company in New Haven, Connecticut. He started off making single-shot brass framed derringers in .22 rimfire, and eventually added .32 and .38 caliber rimfire derringers to his product line. In 1875, Marlin added rifles to his product offerings, manufacturing the single-shot Ballard rifles (which had previously been made by others). A strategic business move was made in 1881, when Marlin introduced the Model 1881 lever-action repeating rifle. This was a well-built, accurate rifle, chambered for powerful hunting rounds like the .45-70 and .38-55. Now this was in the hey-day of the powerful Sharps single-shot rifles, but Marlin was making a big-bore high-powered rifle, and they were making it in a lever-actioned repeater (competing for the same market niche that Winchester had created with the Model 1876). The Marlin Model 1881 was well-received and firmly established Marlin in the levergun market.
A Marlin "trademark" was established a few years later when Marlin introduced the Model 1889, the first levergun to have a solid top and eject the empties out of the side of the receiver (the origin of the term "Marlin Safety"), instead of out the top (like Winchester leverguns). While 19th century levergunners weren't interested in mounting telescopic sights on their rifles, they did appreciate the fact that these new guns didn't toss hot brass into their faces (or down their shirt collars). The 1889 was chambered for the popular pistol rounds of the day, like .44-40, .38-40, .32-20 and .25-20. This rifle would eventually lead to the Model 1894, a design that Marlin continues to manufacture today (and is a favorite of Cowboy action shooters). Today known as Models 39 and 336 respectively, they are the oldest shoulder arm designs in the world still being produced. The lever action 22 repeater (now Model 39) even became the favorite of many exhibition shooters, including the great Annie Oakley.
Other major firearms companies were manufacturing semi-auto .22 caliber rifles, so it was inevitable that the Marlin Co. would eventually expand its design and manufacturing facilities to include them. In 1951, Marlin introduced the Model 50 semiauto, .22 caliber rifle, which would pave the way for many others that followed. Marlin Firearms went on to produce some of the most popular .22 caliber semi-autos in the world.

Volumes have been written about the evolution of Marlin Firearms, its association with other famous firearms inventors and manufacturers, and the innovative ideas that can be traced to the Marlin name. However, after all is said and done, the lever action rifles are most associated with the Marlin name and create one of the most vivid and romantic images in the history of firearms.

One of Marlin's more recent innovations is the patented "MicroGroove" rifling, designed for use with factory ammunition. There have been numerous claims of improved performance with factory ammunition. However, the performance of centerfire, handloads when using these barrels has been called into question.
Marlin has done quite well considering it was auctioned off for $100 to Mr Kenna in 1923. I’ve been happy with the few Marlin’s I’ve owned and believe them to be solid firearms.
Happy birthday John Marlin. He would be 180 this week.
Semper Paratus
Check 6