Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Changing Out Your Carry Ammo

I was asked the other day if I carried a gun. I’m always a little apprehensive about answering this question. My standard answer is “If I was, you wouldn’t know it.” But this was at the shooting range where I feel a little more comfortable talking about my relationship with guns. I said, “Yes. For the last 25 years.” Then they asked, “How often do you change out your carry ammo?”
This is a good question. As in all answers it depends.
First, are you carrying a semi-auto pistol or a revolver? This might sound like an arbitrary distinction, but in an attempt to isolate every variable, we need to answer this question. With a revolver, your rounds are dropped smoothly into the chamber. Every surface of the ammunition, save the face of the bullet, is protected, and there is no high-impact insertion into the chamber. Additionally, the process of “press-checking” a revolver (swinging the cylinder open to verify its condition) imparts no additional stress on individual cartridges.
On the other hand, autoloading pistols have a tendency to beat the daylights out of the first couple of rounds in the magazine. When the gun is loaded, the first round is slammed rather violently into the chamber. The second round is subject to the slide’s movement over its case, and if you load and unload frequently, these two probably get cycled in and out of the chamber more than once.
The “revolver or auto” question also pertains to any spare ammunition you carry. With extra mags for a semi-auto, all of the ammunition in the magazine is protected by the magazine body with the exception of the first round. I have carried a revolver in the past and things are a bit different. I carried spare rounds in a Bianchi Speed Strip in my back pocket. After a month or two, the rounds on this strip are discolored and usually one or two of the cases is at least a little dented. If you carry speedloaders in belt holders (or magazines in magazine pouches), the ammo will probably not age as quickly, but can still eventually encounter issues from exposure moisture and debris.
The next question you should be asking is, “How do you use the gun?” Is the gun a nightstand pistol that rarely leaves the bedside table? Is it a daily carry gun? Do you load and unload it daily? Do you check the ammo frequently? Your answers here may dictate how often you should rotate your ammunition. If the gun never leaves the bedside, the ammunition could probably last pretty much indefinitely. Because it is not exposed to sweat, humidity, temperature fluctuation, and daily handling, the ammunition should last much longer than ammunition in a carry gun. If you are like me and you check the condition of your firearm every time you put it into the holster, the ammunition in it can become a little worn and should be replaced more frequently.
You should inspect your ammunition occasionally. When I pull the rounds out of my gun, I am looking for some specific indicators that it should be replaced. First, I’m going to look at the bullet itself. Some discoloration from handling is normal, but alterations in the shape of the bullet are not. Did it get slammed into the feed ramp and is now misshapen as a result? This is probably a good indicator that the whole cartridge has suffered some abuse, and the change in shape may impact the bullet’s performance. If the bullet is deformed, replace those rounds.
Next, you should look at the position of the bullet in the case. A condition called “bullet setback” can occur when pressure is repeatedly applied to the bullet, from chambering and rechambering, and forces it backward into the case. This can compress the powder and create dangerously high chamber pressures, and ammunition exhibiting bullet setback should not be fired under any circumstances (please note the scary bold type). Because a few 1000ths of an inch can make a difference, this inspection shouldn’t be eyeballed. Instead, use calipers. Measure the first couple of rounds in the gun for overall length. Compare this length with a measured overall length from an unhandled cartridge directly from the box. You can also compare your results with manufacturer specs online if you can find them. If the bullet is set back, replace those rounds, and do not fire them.
Next, you should inspect the case. Non-nickel plated brass cases may be discolored. Some mild discoloration isn’t reason to remove them from duty, but corrosion is. Ensure there is no corrosion or rust. Exposure to extreme temperatures can wreck havoc on ammo. Moisture is also ammo’s enemy. Carrying ammunition in or out of a gun exposes it to all of these things and more.
Next, I inspect for deformities, especially the kind that would prevent the round from feeding reliably. These include dents or slight bulges in the case or deformities around the case mouth. I find this to be most common with revolver cartridges carried in reloading strips. I have carried these in a back pocket, so each time I sat they were liable to impact with whatever I was sitting on. If cases are badly corroded or deformed, get rid of them.
Ammunition may also experience extraordinary trauma that disqualifies it from carry suitability. On the extreme end of the spectrum, I have seen a Speed Strip and four rounds ran through the washer and dryer. This wasn’t some ammo torture test, just the result of forgetfulness in cleaning out pockets before doing laundry. The ammo came out looking squeaky clean (and it worked just fine), but there’s no way I would trust my life to it. As a less extreme example, I’ve fallen into a lake and briefly submerged my auto loader. Most high-quality ammunition is manufactured to be waterproof. If I have plenty of carry ammunition in reserve, I may change it out just to be safe, but if I’m also comfortable carrying those same rounds for a while longer. If your ammunition has experienced some extreme trauma, swap it out.
Also consider your environment, lifestyle, and your body. If you live in hot climate, carry your gun during workouts or strenuous outdoor activities, or just sweat heavily, take note! You expose your gun and ammunition to more moisture and salt more often than someone who works in an air-conditioned office, drives home in an air-conditioned car, and then hangs out in their air-conditioned home. You might want to think about rotating your ammunition a little more often.
Most ammunition manufacturers recommend that you should rotate your duty ammunition every six months. I think this is a great guideline, but it’s still only a guideline. If you handle your gun a lot and load/unload often, you should change your ammunition more often. If your gun is a pure home-defense tool that doesn’t get cycled that much and rarely leaves a climate-controlled environment, you can safely extend that number to a year or more.
I rotate my self-defense ammunition every 6 months. This is because I shoot a lot. I shoot it and dry fire often which means my guns get unloaded and reloaded frequently. My guns also get cleaned regularly which means my carry ammunition is in constant contact with oil, a notoriously effective primer-killer. Do your own assessment and consider your own use. When in doubt, inspect your ammunition and see if it’s time to change it out. Be honest in assessment and diligent in your cleaning and handling regime. If you decide you want to switch your ammo every 3 months then be consistent in it. Don’t “let it slide”.
What do I do with the ammunition that comes out of the rotation? I shoot it. If I don’t shoot the ammo right away I mark it with a sharpie. When I get a box of marked ammo I shoot it up. This, to me, is very important. Firing in my exact carry setup, including ammunition, gives me a really good indicator that my setup is actually working for me. It also gives me confidence in my ammunition.
I admit this does cost a little money. I buy carry ammo often enough that it is not a big deal for me. I always seem to have some marked ammo to shoot. I have not kept track, but it seems I shoot carry ammo every month. It may be less at times. It may be expensive but it’s worth it for the peace of mind in knowing that my ammunition will work when it has to. I shoot weekly and it gives me comfort knowing that what I’m doing with me EDC works for me.

Semper Paratus
Check 6

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