Monday, June 16, 2014

Myth of Gun Surveys and Studies

I think I’ve been around the gun world a while. I can remember a time before the internet when gun magazines were where we gun nuts got our information. Things have improved significantly. I like it better now with the internet, tablets, and phones. Gun statistics and reports however, are not any better. I think they are worse. I’ve read probably 100’s of articles on the anti-gun and pro-gun side. As you probably guessed, I am pro-gun. But I no longer believe what I hear about guns, crime, and self defense. I am convinced that more gun laws will not affect crime. Criminals don’t care about laws and will always get whatever they want be it drugs, guns, or whatever it may be. Mass shootings will not stop even if half the guns were voluntarily given up. That is my belief. But the ant-gun culture actually believes the baloney they print. And the NRA actually wants me to believe that their study is really the one I should trust. I do not believe in polls and studies. They are too biased and too tailored to what the author wants to put across. I don’t know why the NY Times thinks that any conservative would believe any reporting that they do. And equally, I’m not sure Glenn Beck is getting through to the liberals or progressives or whatever they call themselves this year. One thing I do believe is that I have saved my own butt because of a weapon. No one has died from my weapon and no accidents have happened with my weapon. I also believe that gun owners are increasing. I know these things for a fact because I’ve seen them with my own eyes. It’s a pretty sad state of affairs when I believe the government (shudder) reports on crime over that of the NRA and the anti-gun culture. But I tend to think that the FBI report on crime would be over done to make them look like they are doing their job. But their report still makes sense to me.
Like mainstream media a study or survey is slanted toward whatever the author wants. There are few searching for the truth, and even less who are willing to accept it. I have my own views on guns and gun control, if I were to do a survey I would probably slant it toward my beliefs. I wouldn’t lie or deceive, but I may not include data that wouldn’t prove my point. I think that this happens a lot. This is why I don’t trust these studies. I am a gun owner. But if I got a call from someone taking a survey I’m afraid I would give them a bald faced lie and tell them I didn’t own any guns. I certainly would not give them information about my last gun purchase. Not only that, how many people under 40 do you know who still have a land line phone? So when they spout off about a phone survey, I turn off. That survey is not an honest representation of Americans. Phone surveys were always a little skewed because of the wording of the questions, but now I would throw that data out the window. It is completely inaccurate.
I wish a group would show some integrity and give us actual statistics that show what is happening. Instead of picking a study that fits your views, please give us real information. I tend to lean toward the NRA on this. But I have seen them use studies that I thought were questionable too. The liberal side I think does this a lot. But like I said, both are guilty. What I have to do is check my own sources that I feel I can trust. That takes a lot of time and work on my part. If I happen to be lazy, I will just not believe any of it and move on.
This is what I would suggest. Find sources you feel good about. Watch them for a while. I would give them 3 to 6 months. Stay up on their reporting and check on their sources. If you find them sound, add them to your list of trusted sources. This is what I’ve done for years. Occasionally I test my sources and check up on them. Usually, they will measure up. (See blog Pick A Source, any source: The Myth of Mainstream Media 3/20/2014)
There is a source out there that I can appreciate when it comes to guns. It’s called Gun Facts. You can download a free PDF copy here:
I’ve checked almost every source in earlier versions of this and have not found a bias or error. It’s written by Guy Smith. I think you can trust him. But check it out yourself.
Code name Insight is a website that is a list of websites in categories. These two categories have to do with guns.
Military and Tactical- This area has many government and military organization sites.
Firearms – This will take you to many pro-gun sites

These are where I find my news:
Drudge Report
Blacklisted news
Ooda News
Al Jezeera
The Diplomat
The Irish Times
Meridian Magazine news
Washington Post, depending on the reporter
Wall Street Journal, depending on the reporter

Semper Paratus

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