Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Concealed Carry: Be A Smooth Operator

Making concealed carry a smooth operation

When I was in the military we would have a checklist for everything. We would do things over and over the same exact way, in detail, so that we could carry out a specific mission almost from memory. Almost second nature. And if you were not sure, you had a checklist to refer to.

Your concealed carry “operation” should be a flawless mission. You should be able to carry in all kinds of situations, weather, and with different weapons like it is second nature. The reason I say this is, at the time of actual need, a self-defense situation, everything you do should be smooth and almost automatic.

Here are some tips to help your operation and system run smooth.

These are some things I wish I’d have known when I started down the concealed carry path.

Don’t act like you’re carrying.

In Star Wars there is a great quote from Han Solo.
“Keep your distance, Chewie. But don’t look like you’re keeping your distance, I don’t know, fly casual!” I’ve spotted some new carriers because they don’t “carry casual.” They are a little too nervous. There is actually too much situational awareness! Relax. You are legal and not being stalked by a tiger or a ninja…

Quit checking your weapon!

Have you ever seen someone rearranging their coat, shirt, or in the case of a woman, her bra strap? I see it all the time. Some carriers obsess about their gun. They are certain everyone knows and everyone can see that you carry a gun. No one knows. Most sheeple out there are more concerned about themselves than you. But if you sit there and fiddle with your shirt all the time they may wonder why. This goes along with the first tip.

Try that new gear at home.

If this is your first time carrying or you’ve done it for years try out that new holster at home. I work in my holster and do all kinds of things that I probably will never do in public. If it works at home doing all that I do there, it will work anywhere. Remember to sit, bend, even use the restroom. You must know that the weapon is retained and that the system is comfortable.

Practice with your gear.

Take all your carry gear with you to the range. Practice dressed the way you dress in public or at work. Use the system and gear you would use in your everyday carry. Get as much experience with using your system because it is the system that may save your life one day.

Dry fire safely

Dry firing is a great activity to build muscle memory and practice the basic of shooting. If you dry fire with you actual weapon, make sure you are doing this against a “cover” type backstop. If for some reason your “unloaded” gun becomes mysteriously loaded, your errant round will be contained. I use about 10 paperback books taped tightly together. It takes about 7 inches of paper to stop a 9mm bullet. The average paperback is about 1 ½ to 2 inches thick. My 10 is about 18 inches thick.
Make sure when you dry fire there is no ammo in the room.
When you are done with the dry fire exercise take a 10 minute break or so before you reload the gun. There needs to be a separation between your dry fire and real world. Otherwise you could load the gun and actually shoot it like your dry fire exercise. Even though you know you just load the gun with live rounds. Muscle memory is pretty strong. There has to be a separation between practice and real world.

These tips will help you to be a smooth operator carrier.

Semper Paratus
Check 6

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