Thursday, November 16, 2017

Stats, Reality, And Always Being Armed

I was looking around the internet the other day. I came across a website that was written by LDS women. It spoke of the scriptural story of Ammon and those that buried their swords and would rather die than shed blood again. They made a covenant with God and were protected by others. It’s a great story. The writer, a young mother living in Provo, Utah, then brought out studies and statistics to prove her belief that guns were bad and Mormons should stop liking them. Don’t get me wrong, I believe killing is wrong. It’s breaking God’s and man’s laws. But her idea is flawed when we talk of reality. Liberals, progressives, or left leaning people believe if we regulated guns we would stop these bad things from happening. You cannot regulate evil or mental illness. They would argue that keeping guns away from more people would reduce violence. If you did take ALL the guns away you would reduce gun violence, but criminals would not decide to go straight and mentally ill decide suicide is not the answer because guns were gone. Reducing guns would not reduce crime or suicide. People are not criminals or suicidal because guns are available. This woman would argue with her statistics. She even said she believed statistics and studies can be manipulated but still stood by them. Without trying to be personal, that is an educated idiot. Statistics mean nothing to an individual. I know from personal experience that guns save lives. They do so with civilians, law enforcement, and military members. When the police are called because of violence and they are able to stop violence it is because of a gun. Our freedom in this country is because of people with guns. We are a strong country because of guns. Those are facts especially to those of us who were in the military and know firsthand. No study or statistics can change the facts of experiences. She also made the statement that we don’t need to protect ourselves against violence because violence is down. Clearly someone who has never experienced violence has no idea what they are talking about. If this person lived in certain parts of Chicago I believe their perspective would be changed even in the face of statistics. Being naïve because you read articles and studies is pretty crazy. I’ve read that people think locks and lights will stop a burglar or a home invader. These are false senses of security. Most locks are completely inadequate yet we think they will actually keep out a determined criminal. These things are only a deterrent not a defense. She also said if you’re scared to get pepper spray or a stun gun. Clearly again, she has no idea how these weapons work or what they actually do. If she did, she would not recommend them over a gun. Non-lethal weapons don’t always stop a threat. Most of the time they don’t even have the potential to stop a threat because it all depends on the attacker. I’ve watched men get Tasered and hardly miss a step. I’m not saying that is the rule and not an exception, but do you really want that as your one and only weapon? I do not wish bad things on anyone. But sometimes I wonder if people that have this skewered idea that those who have experience could not possibly be right over studies and statistics, that maybe they would change their minds with some of that experience. I know no other way to do it. Logic does not work with cold hard, possibly manipulated, facts. Do not be fooled by the educated idiot. They will deceive you into a false sense of security and keep you away from true ways to keep you and yours safe. Mass shootings are always stopped with a gun. Either the mass shooter coward ends themselves with a gun or the police end them with a gun.
Denial kills you twice. Once during the incident, a second time (if you survive the incident) because you will blame yourself for not taking the steps to train and prepare. Those that lean on studies and statistics are truly in denial. They are under the delusion that because the numbers say one thing and experience says another, that experience loses and numbers win. If that were not true then they would have to face the fact that evil exists and will become more prevalent in the last days. As Mormons we believe we are living in the last days before Christ comes. We talk about it all the time until it comes to disaster and evil. Those are two things that are hard to face so instead they choose to deny. Some will put all their faith in God without lifting a finger to care for themselves. Faith cannot work without works. We must depend on God after all we can do. Quoting numbers is not what I consider works.
Do liberals know why conservatives call them names like Sheep and Snowflake? Yes it is fun and yes it is being a jerk. But it’s out of frustration for your point of view being so illogical. It’s out of frustration that you think a study is a good substitute for real experience. It’s out of frustration that you see life through rose colored glasses and then when things go bad you yell for the guy with the gun to come and save you. That is why we call you names. We’re trying to get your attention Snowflake.
I am probably preaching to the choir here I know. I would hope you can see past the emotional hype of relying on statistics to relieve you of the responsibility of caring for yourself.
If you have a concealed license then carry. Always. Get into a routine of always having your gun. To me it is silly to roll the dice and say, “Today I won’t need my gun…” Carry everywhere you can legally carry. You may find it necessary to carry where you are not allowed. I am not advocating breaking the law but there may be a situation where you feel you need to have a gun with you. But know this, if you are caught you could lose your gun rights and license. So be very careful with that.
Licensed carriers need to be better at being armed always. You can be the first line of defense and you got that license for a reason didn’t you? You probably want to defend yourself and others. How can you do that if your gun is secured at home or in your vehicle? If you’ve taken this responsibility on you should also practice. Training is always available but it does little good without practice. Shooting is a perishable skill.
Like the old commercial for American Express credit cards, “Don’t leave home without it.”
Semper Paratus
Check 6

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