Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Overwatch: Drill Of The Month for September

How to Have a Bug Out Drill
Training in the military can actually be fun. I can remember having a lot of fun on exercises.
Its important that when a disaster scenario happens, you and your family are ready to react.
Here are your goals:
• Get to safety as quick as possible
• Make sure you have everything you need to sustain life. (My acronym is ASWiFFS or air, shelter, water, food, fire, and security.)
Your family is probably going to think you’re a little weird for asking them to have a bug out drill (unless they have come to expect this sort of thing, like mine) but someday, it might just save their lives. That said, here are a couple bug out drills to practice with just you or the entire family.
Bug Out Drill #1: Evacuation
This scenario is not as likely as other bug out scenarios, but here’s one to practice your speed and coordination in a stressful situation.
Imagine you get a knock on your door. It’s the fire department, EMTs, police, or whoever. They give you 10 minutes to pack what you need and evacuate.
Time yourself. Anything you can carry after 10:00 minutes will be taken, all else left. Take your family out to eat and discuss the items they brought. Get your family thinking about the essentials of your bug out.
Bug Out Drill #2: Bug Out Weekend
Bugging out can be fun – plan with your wife to bug out, but if you have kids, don’t mention it to them until 5 or 10 minutes before you leave. Give your children 5 minutes notice that you’ll be spending the weekend camping, hiking, or whatever your budget can afford. That will really give you an idea of how well your bug out bag is prepared.
Bug Out Drill #3: Bug-out/Bug-in Weekend
Plan a bug in weekend. A weekend where you shut off the power and water to your house and spend the entire weekend with the power out and the water off. This will also give you a good idea of how you would cope in a grid-down scenario.
Before you have a bug out/in weekend, make sure you have a security plan, a plan for food and water, and a simple schedule of activities to keep your family having fun.
If you are not bugging out alone, then everyone in your family/party will need to have an idea of what they need to bring. A bug out bag packed with all of your survival gear prepared for each person is a must for any person preparing.
Bug in Weekends Can be Fun and Affordable!
Keep your bug out bag in an accessible location that is personalized for each individual. This is important because men and woman may have different needs as would a child or adult.
These items should be placed somewhere convenient and someplace easily accessible. Everyone in the family should know where to find these items and what it is they are responsible for. The goal is to have this accomplished in under 10 minutes. Essentially a grab and go.
Practice the Bug Out Drill
The military trains by repetition and so should you. Practice this drill every so often and time yourself to see how quickly you can respond to a scenario where you need to move you and your loved ones fast. You will also be able to determine the most ideal locations for your backpacks as well as the space you have in your vehicle.

See “Overwatch: Drill of the Month” page for more drills

Semper Paratus
Check 6

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