Tuesday, July 7, 2020

4th of July 2020

It is a few minutes to midnight CDT. Soon another glorious 4th of July 2020 will be passed. What have we wrought in 244 years?  Have we paid our debt to those who fought at Concord and Lexington?  What about the battle of Cantigny?  The battle of Guadalcanal, Inchon and the Chosin Reservoir. The battle of Ia Drang or Hue?  Do we owe anything to those that fought in the battle of Falluja or Ramadi?  No I don’t think those debts are paid. Some of these battles you may not even know.   What would those who gave what Lincoln called “ the last full measure of devotion“ think of what we’re doing as a nation?  
When Benjamin Franklin was asked by
Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia the final day of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, ‘What do we have, a republic or a monarchy?’ Franklin replied, ‘A republic, if you can keep it.’
By letting riots and mobs rule we are not keeping the Republic. We the people should not let politicians write bad laws or be corrupt. 
We have a debt to pay this 4th, will we pay it?

Semper Paratus
Check 6

1 comment:

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