Monday, December 17, 2018

Holiday Security

Merry Christmas! This is the time of year we start thinking about spending quality time with family and friends, sharing meals together, pumpkin pie, reasons to be thankful, hot chocolate, fuzzy slippers and presents. Criminals are usually prowling more during this time too. They know there are extra thing under the tree for them.
There was a survey done buy an international security company about how people feel about their personal safety. The participants were from the U.S, Canada, the U.K., New Zealand, and Finland. Now you may, or may not know, that I don’t hold much stock in surveys. I don’t trust the manipulation of data in the way questions can be worded. But, at times I find them interesting. This survey revealed:
• 73% of the survey respondents thought that personal safety devices are needed more now than ten years ago.
• 66% of the survey respondents would use a safety device when running alone.
• 54% of the survey respondents wanted to be sure their elderly relatives are doing okay by ensuring they had a way to send an alert message, just in case.
• 41% of the survey respondents would use a safety product or service to be aware of their children’s whereabouts.
• 41% of the survey respondents are using a product or service that enhances a loved one’s personal safety.

I think it’s interesting that this survey was done in other countries, other than the U.S. These other countries have much stricter gun control than the U.S.
Here are some tips to remember:
1. If you are carrying a wallet, keep it in a front pocket.
2. Be sure to walk in well-lit, highly-traveled streets…even during daytime hours. Never take shortcuts through parking lots or alleys.
3. If walking on a sidewalk near a street, always walk facing the traffic to avoid being surprised by someone in a vehicle.
4. If someone is walking behind you or approaching you and you are unsure of their intent, make direct eye contact with them to let the person know that you are aware, you see them and you are not a victim.
5. If you think you are being followed, abruptly switch directions or duck into a police station, fire station, hospital, business or public place and ask for help.
6. In your cell phone contacts, program “ICE,” which stands for “in case of emergency,” linking it to a family member or friend…someone you trust the police, firemen or other authorities to call if you are unable to call for yourself.
7. Program 9-1-1 into your direct dial feature of your cell phone.
8. Remember that talking on your cell phone or listening to headphones in public makes you easy prey.
9. Change your walking routine by planning different routes and take note of “safe places” you could go should something happen. Your driving routes should be varied also.
10. When approaching your home or vehicle, never fumble in your pocket, purse or bag for keys; have them in your hand prior to reaching the door.
11. When approaching your parked car, look and make sure no one is hiding in or around your vehicle, especially in the back seat.
12. When on public transportation, cover your jewelry. Turn stone rings toward the palm side of your hand.
13. Keep your space: intimate space = 0 to 1.5 feet; personal space = 1.5 to 4 feet; social space = 4 to 12 feet; and public space = 12 feet or more.
If you have home security cameras installed, now is a great time to check that everything is in working order. A few questions to ask yourself are– Are the cameras properly installed and connected? Are they still facing the areas they were originally set for or do they need to be readjusted? And if you have outdoor cameras installed, make sure they are properly working too. Are they fully covering the areas you want to protect? Is there any dirt or debris covering the lenses? These are all important things to check for that will give you peace of mind during the holidays, especially if you’ll be traveling and leaving your home.
When planning to go out of town for the holidays be sure to lock all doors and windows. Yes, we know what you’re thinking — “Of course I know to lock my doors!” As much as it seems like a no-brainer, you’d be surprised at how many home burglaries happen because of an unlocked door or window. And if you’re in a two-story home, lock your doors and windows upstairs too. Lock up your ladders too.
Another important tip is to tell a trusted neighbor that you will be leaving town. You can ask them to watch over your home while you’re away. You could even ask that they park one of their vehicles in your driveway; that way it looks like someone is home while you’re gone.
Additionally, as tempting as it is in today’s connected world to share everything we do, try to resist posting your holiday trip on social media while you’re away. Share your pictures and updates after you get back.
When you’re out shopping in stores this holiday season, whether for food for your Christmas meal, or gifts for loved ones, a good rule of thumb is to pay in cash.
If at all possible, budget what you’re going to spend and then take out the cash. This will not only prevent you from overspending, this will reduce the chance of your credit card information being stolen and becoming another cyber-attack victim. These past couple of years have proven just how vulnerable some major retailers are when it comes to cyber security so instead of taking a chance of having your information stolen, just pay cash.
Overall, the holidays are a peaceful time with family and friends. Don’t let holes in your personal, in-home, and online security leave you vulnerable. Enjoy your holidays with a peace of mind.

Semper Paratus
Check 6

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